Take Me Back To The Good Old Days

21 5 4

I sat on a swing and dance and sway
I remember my younger self who used to play
When I'm tired I sat on a tree and lay
Eating, playing, resting, my usual day.

I remember when I'm young, my day starts early in the morning
Mom is already cooking, while Dad sipping on a cup and sitting
And my two sisters helping my mother busy preparing
And the not early-bird me busy watching.

When I fall on my knees, I get weak
But my dad helped me to get up and not to flick
My sisters clean my wound with alcohol, so I flinch
And here comes my mom giving me a harangue added by pinch.

Remembering these things makes me sad
How alcohol can't clean my wound now
It goes so deep that I only need their hug
So the pain lessen and the wound go numb.

A letterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon