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“I am not crying. These are tears of happiness, that I have rediscovered the secret of the creation. But lord, can you please elaborate it for our children?”

“Sure darling.”

Every living creature is nothing but a fragment of the Creator. Let me explain you clearly. See, a normal human receives half the chromosomes from father and half from mother. This implies that the child is a part of the father and part of mother together. An ovum might have all the required facilities to nourish the foetus. But still only after fertilisation occurs, the complete viable zygote is formed.

In the same way, the creator enters the creation to make it complete. The creator is the life in the creation. And we, being the part of the ultimate creation, should realise that while our bodies are made from the womb of the nature, the life in it is the creator himself.  Until we realise this, we are simply a BEING. Not a human. That is the reason why Humans are considered superior.

Because, they have the potential to realise the ‘MAN’ within HU‘MAN’. This man is none other the Creator, the ‘UNKNOWN’ principle within the ‘KNOWN’ body.
Maybe that is why there is a ‘MALE’ in every FEMALE and a ‘MAN’ in every WOMAN.
But ironically; all of us are females irrespective of our ‘gender’ by birth.


As I was saying, all of us are females. Why? Because we are in the process of finding out the MAN within us. Until we find the MAN within us, we are a WOMAN. Which means we are all in the process of finding out the UNKNOWN factor within us. But to know the unknown, we have to retrospect with the help of our ‘KNOW’ledge. Which is similar to asking our mother, who our father is.

Sounds awkward? But it is not. The fact is that only the mother can confirm who the father is. It is similar to the situation in which a mother points her finger towards the man and teaches the child to say ‘father’.

The process, where the ‘KNOWN ME’ meets the ‘UNKNOWN ME’, is called the union; which gives birth to ‘HAPPINESS’ and at that point, the known dissipates into the unknown.

“And in this way, all humans are nothing but ARTHANAAREESHWARAM. Not only humans, but everything is made up of you and me together, in the form of ARTHANAARESHWARAM.” Shiva grinned. Parvathi smiled, her eyes glowing with happiness and wisdom. “How good it feels to KNOW the UNKNOWN!” She exclaimed. “I know. That is why we make a really good couple, my darling.” Shiva winked and Parvathi blushed.

“But lord, …” She suddenly became all excited again. Shiva mentally laughed. {My wife has the curiosity of a child!}

“Yes my dear?”

“So … according to what you said, every being has both male and female qualities.”

“Exactly dear.”

“But in that sense, this Arthanaareeshwaram concept only applies to the spiritual level. And not all are interested or aware of this Spiritual explanation.”

She knit her brows in deep thought.  Shiva raised his right eyebrow. (Because the left brow belongs to his wife.)

"Really Paaru? Can you separate genders in microbes, plants and few species of animals? Most of them are hermaphrodites right? So they too have both genders within them.”

“Umm … yes … but …” Her confused expression made him want to tease her more. But he decided against it. First he should clear her doubts.

“Ok … with the help of our mini models i.e. The humans, I will explain this to you.” She looked pleased and relieved.

“The testosterone is the basis for the male characters and the oestrogen for females. It is these hormones that regulate the sex related functions of humans. You agree?” She nodded. 

“Then this fact will definitely clear your doubt. The oestrogen is formed from the testosterone. Which means, testosterone is precursor for the oestrogen.”

“Oh yes! So ...?” Her eyes were wide.

“Again, we came to the same point. The KNOWN comes from the UNKNOWN. The creation comes from the creator. That is why it is said the Eve in formed from Adam’s ribs. And said that the Saraswati is formed from the Brahma.”

“Oh.” She began to link all those facts in her brain.

“And it is also a fact that, every male has a little bit of female hormones in him and every female has a little bit of male hormones in her. So even at physical level, they are Arthanaareeshwaram.”

“Hmm” Her eyes glowed with a strange feeling, like she was unwrapping a present.

“And now, coming to the mental level. Take the example of the mother, who is the symbol of Womanhood. She too takes up the male qualities of aggressiveness and protective instincts, when she suspects threat to her kids. Here, she takes up the role of the father, or the masculine features. In the same way, imagine a father who is feeding his child gently or kissing the child on the forehead. The gentleness and the caring nature here, shows the feminine character. Thus, at all three levels, i.e. physical, mental and spiritual; every living creature is ARTHANAAREESHWARAM.” He concluded.

Silence occupied the surroundings. That silence was nothing but the calmness, peace and happiness radiating from their heart. The happiness born when the UNKNOWN meets the KNOWN. The happiness born from the ARTHANAAREESHWARAM.

{Well done!} Shiva heard Narayana’s praise in his head. He smiled. Suddenly they heard the cry of a baby.

“Is this not the same baby, over whom we had such a big conversation?” Shiva mocked Parvathi. She playfully hit his arm. “But it is because of this baby, that my doubts were cleared.” She defended the baby.

“Oh! Yes! This baby is really special.”

“What do you mean lord?”

“Wait and watch Parvathi.”

*************************** The whole essence of the book is this chapter.
Please don't take it lightly.
Please do think about it.

And ... I have realised the Arthanaareeshwaram in me. So, whenever anyone speaks about gender and inequalities and stuff like that ... I just feel like laughing.
No offence meant though!
This is my opinion. You are free to have yours.
But you are not free to offend me if you don't agree with me.

See you with next chapter soon ... That is where the actual story begins.

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