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Arjun is sitting in the basketball court with his head in his palms. "I did not commit any crime. That bast**d deserved it. He was trying to molest a girl. Is it wrong to save an innocent girl? This was a punishment for his crime." He muttered to himself.

"There is a very thin line that can demarcate a punishment from a revenge."

Arjun shot up his head to find a guy about his age, leaning at the entrance of the stadium, his legs crossed and arms crossed across his chest.

Arjun's jaw dropped.

This person must be God's best creation, or maybe god himself! Arjun could feel drool escaping his open mouth and shook his head to clear the rubbish thoughts threatening to take form.

"Somewhere, in the depth of your heart, you wanted to hurt him for what he had done to you. When you got the opportunity, you attacked." Now the handsome lord was in front of him. His arms still across his chest.

Arjun stood up "What do you mean?”

“You mixed up your revenge with your rightful duty. That is what Sir was trying to tell you. If your intention was to purely save her, your actions would have deferred. I am not saying that you are wrong. You are just not totally right." That calm look on his face enraged Arjun. He grabbed the person by the collar of his white shirt.

"Who are you to tell me whether I am right or wrong?" All the frustration that Arjun bottled up for years, burst out.

The guy smiled and grabbed his wrists. "I am your friend. Parthsarathi." He freed his collar from Arjun's wrist and patted his shoulder. "I am here to help you."

Arjun looked like he was just struck by a lightning. {A FRIEND?} His mind kept repeating the words.

"Brother!" Parvati squealed. Shiva chuckled. "Yes Paaru, your darling brother."

"What is he doing there?" She turned towards him, her eyes still glowing.

"As I told you dear, every human has a choice and your brother has gone to help Arjun with a better choice."

"Does this always happen this way lord?"

"Yes dear, always. Sometimes you help, sometimes me, sometimes your brother or some other form. We are always there to help them with a better choice, in the form of their conscience. But unfortunately, some turn deaf towards us and fall into trouble."

"Parvati! Have you seen Swami?" Lakshmi appeared before them. "He has been so annoying since ... well ... when is he not annoying? Why can't he stop troubling me? See now ... he left to somewhere without informing me. He and his plans ..." She stopped to see Parvati giggling and glared at her.
"It is my mistake to ask you. You always support your darling brother. Bhaiyya! At least you will help me na!" She turned towards Shiva who nodded with a smile and pointed towards Parthsarathi.

The moment Lakshmi caught sight of her beloved husband, she blushed and hid her face in her palms, but continued to stare at him lovingly, through the gaps between her fingers.

"Such a drastic mood shift?" Shiva whispered to Parvati who giggled.

"Her mood swings are worst that a love-struck teenager! That is what makes her adorable." Parvati confirmed.

"After effects of dealing with your brother. Anybody would turn insane because of his games." Shiva shook his head and chuckled.

"That is called LOVE, my friend! It is a special form of insanity." Narayana made his grand entry with a smirk.

Shiva rolled his eyes, Parvati grinned and Lakshmi, well ... she turned a deeper shade of red.

"What say, my Love?" Vishnu slung an arm around Lakshmi's shoulder and she hid her face in his chest. He chuckled.

"Oh, come on brother. We know how you trouble everyone." Parvati smirked.

"Trouble? It is not right to take the side of your husband and blame your innocent brother. I never trouble anyone. I just have fun." Narayana pouted.

Parvati rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Now what is the plan brother?"

WO/MAN (Arthanaareeshwaram)Where stories live. Discover now