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“Wake up dude!”

Arjun grunted as he felt someone pulling away his cosy blanket. He tossed and tried to pull his blanket back. He earned a smack on his head and sat up cursing.

“What the hell is your problem? Next time you do this, you will be buried alive! Stupid jerk, annoying little …” A glass of water splashed on his face and bouts of laughter filled the room.

“I. Will. Kill. You!”

Arjun chased Parthasarathy with his hockey stick. Both were panting by the time they reached the lake.

“Peace!” Parthasarathy raised his both hands in defeat, as he tried to catch his breath. It was still dark.

“What are doing here at night?” Arjun wiped the sweat on his brow.

“Not night; my friend, dawn.” Parthasarathy sat on the bank of the lake, with his feet in the cold waters. Arjun followed him. They stared at the purple sky, as it started changing colours and stars disappeared.

“There!” Parthasarathy pointed in the direction of sunrise.

“Beautiful!” Arjun exclaimed.

“Bhaiyaa!” They turned around to find Rukmini.

“Is she some kind of radar? She always manages to find your location.” Parthasarathy whispered and Arjun laughed.

“Not his location brother, but yours! Wherever you go, your wife will follow.” Parvati giggled. {Shiva smiled at his bubbly wife. She seems to be enjoying the show.}

“What happened?”
Rukmini asked as she sat beside Arjun.


“From when have you started keeping secrets from me?” She nudged him with her elbow.

“It is men’s talk. You wouldn’t want to know.” Parthasarathy smirked. Arjun looked at him confused. “Men’s talk?” He mouthed but Parthasarathy only winked at him.

Rukmini pouted. Arjun noticed the smile on Parthasarathy’s face vanish, as he stared at her for a few seconds and then shook his head and looked away.

Arjun turned to his sister and smiled. She looked happy. They watched the sunrise in silence. After a while they got up and headed back to hostel.

Parthasarathy was walking ahead while the brother and sister walked hand in hand, behind. Just before parting to their respective rooms, Rukmini kissed Arjun on his cheek and smiled. “I have seen you laughing after many days. He seems to be a nice guy!”

Arjun followed her eyes to find them fixed on the back of Parthasarathy; as she spoke those words. That moment, a small crack formed in his heart. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

Rukmini too smiled and began speaking of her classes and friends. But Arjun wasn't concentrating. After she left, he dragged himself to his room, convinced that those two were in love.

As he entered the room, he found Parthasarathy exiting the bathroom, wiping his wet hair with a towel. He looked as handsome as ever and Arjun’s heart cracked a little more.

“You should stop doing this.” He spoke, as he slumped on his bed. Parthasarathy threw the towel aside as he sat on his bed.

“What? Taking bath? I have no problem but you would not be able to survive if I start stinking.” He smirked.

Arjun groaned. “I was talking about playing with people’s feelings.”

Parthasarathy looked confused. “Whose feelings are you talking about?”

Arjun couldn’t look at him, though he was sure Parthasarathy was boring into his soul with those dark eyes.

“Rukmini has started developing feelings for you. And I am sure you would just break her heart one day.”

“Arjun, look at me.”

Arjun slowly sat up to face Parthasarathy.

“Look into my eyes. You would see how much I love her. I would never do anything to break her heart.”

The crack widened in Arjun’s heart.

“Love? At such a young age?”

Parthasarathy laughed. “If not now, when? At 30? At 40? At 80? Which age would be considered right age for love? Love cannot be bound by time. Sure, to marry, set up family and all; there is a right age. But I am not talking of all those. I am talking of love that is pure that bonds souls.”

Anger bubbled in Arjun. He loved his sister. Is he supposed to be happy that she got the true love she deserved? His conscience told him to trust Parthasarathy. He knew that his sister would be safe and happy with this charming fellow in her life. But why is he not happy? Why does he feel heart-broken? He couldn’t stay there anymore. He needed to be alone. He needed to get used to his lonely life. He was about to exit the room when someone grabbed his hand.

Parthasarathy’s eyes captured his.

“Say it Arjun.” The warmth of those dark eyes brought tears in Arjun’s eyes.

“Say … what?” He asked as his anger slowly receded.

Parthasarathy made him sit on the bed and sat opposite him. “The truth, that you love me.”

Arjun’s throat went dry. His heart beat raised and his mind became numb. Once he recovered from the shock, he let out a dry laugh. “I … You … love …? Are you crazy? What are you saying? No … No … way.”

Parthasarathy hugged him. Once the embrace was broken, Arjun shook his head. “No … this is against nature. I am against nature. This is not supposed to happen. I was given the body of a man. I am not supposed to develop such feelings about you. I … can’t go against nature.”

“Firstly, let me assure you that this is not against nature. If it is against nature, it wouldn’t be happening. And the love I am speaking of, is the one that connects souls. You know well, that souls do not have gender. So how can the love between us be against nature? You have the body of a man. True. You also have the brain of a man.” Arjun’s head shot up.

Parthasarathy smiled. “Yes, you have the brain of a man. I too have the brain of a man. For that matter, every human has the brain of a man. And when I say this, I don’t mean it in the sense of manliness. I mean in the sense that we have a brain which has a nature and working completely unknown to us. We don’t know from where our thoughts arise. We don’t know where our thoughts lead us. Anything which is unknown is a male. Thus; everyone has the brain of a man. However, Arjun, you have the heart of a woman.”

Arjun looked perplexed.

WO/MAN (Arthanaareeshwaram)Where stories live. Discover now