The Beginning:

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My mother drops me off in front of the famous Briarcliff Manor this fine Saturday morning. Everyday for the next five months I'll be coming here for my semester project.

" Good luck honey. Call me when you're ready to come home."

I say goodbye to her and make my way up the stairs. By the time I reach the top, I am greeted by a middle-aged woman.

" Miss Lavender, welcome, my name is Donna Lamb. We spoke on the phone Monday."

" Yes, hello."

" We are so pleased to have you here with us. Why don't you come with me to my office before I show you around." she says.

" Yes, ma'am."

I follow Ms. Lamb to her office while being stared at by both patients and doctors.

" Don't pay much attention to the stares darling. They are all curious about you and your project."

" They know?" I ask.

" Indeed. They have the right to know."

" Of course."

" Please sit. Tell me more about this project."

I tell Ms. Lamb about the project and what I hope comes from my research and experiences. She tells me she hopes I accomplish what I seek and adds that if there's anything she can do to let her know. After our meeting, she shows me around and introduces me to a few main doctors. Ms. Lamb also shows me where I am to check in everyday. Everyone I've met so far has been very nice.

" Miss Lavender, as much as I am excited to have you begin your journey, I feel that maybe you should begin Monday at four o'clock." Ms. Lamb tells me.

" Yes, ma'am. I agree. How long am I allowed to stay?"

" How long can you stay out?"

" Ten pm on weekdays and eleven on weekends." I reply.

" Then nine-thirty on weekdays and ten-thirty on weekends."

" Sounds great."

" I'll see you Monday." she says with a smile.

" Monday at four."

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