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A news of murders that happened in a five stars motel three days ago was being aired again on the television while Jae Eun and Ji Hee were having their breakfast.

Ji Hee who just finished pouring milk onto her cereal, sat down on the couch beside Jae Eun who was having cereal for her breakfast too. Ji Hee turned the volume up as the news reporter described what happened that night at the motel.

She said that 8 people died there before the dinner even started and the police were still working on finding who's responsible for the murder.

"I thought the case is finished?" Ji Hee commented.

The screen showed a footage of an eye witness who was one of the guests at the dinner and he explained about how the incident happened.

Jae Eun and Ji Hee was shocked when they heard that one of the dead victim was planning on shooting the manager of the motel on the head before he was killed. This made them confused, were the murderer actually the bad guy or the good guy?

The reporter then spoke again and she told the viewers that the 8 victims were all had criminal records before they died.

"Oh? That's weird," Ji Hee commented.

"Woah, that'd be cool if the 8 victims were actually all working together to kill the manager but this guy who killed them saved the day. We should thank whoever it was for that though," Jae Eun spoke with cereals in her mouth. Ji Hee chuckled at her after.

"Investigators recently found a message in one of the victims encrypted phone saying 'get it done immediately. The money will be sent to you after you make sure he's not breathing' was sent exactly three minutes before the shootings happened. A detective also found some packs of potassium cyanide inside the pocket of dead waitresses and they're also investigating if the foods had cyanide mixture in it or not. All of this evidences lead to a conclusion, is it true that the victims are actually planning on exterminating the manager?" the repoter spoke again and it was so clear that they were. The message, records, cyanide, and even one of them pointed a gun at the manager's head before he was shot.

"Yes," Ji Hee and Jae Eun spoke in unison then they laughed together.

"Just find out who the sender and then it's done. Why do they make everything so hard?" Jae Eun protested. If she were the detective that's investigating the case, she probably already closed the case by now after finding or tracking the sender of the message.

"I think they're still confused, was it the shooter that was the terrorist? Or the 8 victims," Ji Hee drew a conclusion. Jae Eun thought for awhile then she nodded because probably she was right.

The news then showed the victims' names and pictures when they were alive and when they were dead.

"That messed up," Ji Hee drank her mineral water then put the glass down on the table.

It was when they showed pictures of the last victim Jae Eun choked on her food and even milk came out from her nose and she started coughing.

"Oh my God. What's wrong? Here here drink," Ji Hee handed her glass of water for Jae Eun to drink and she gladly accepted it and started drinking the water.

Jae Eun kept looking at the tv and heard that the last victim was the person who tried to shoot the manager on the head.

Jae Eun's eyes went wide and she choked on her saliva now.

"Jae Eun-ah, seriously?" Ji Hee looked at her then shook her head at her friend.

"He...I know him," Jae Eun pointed at the screen in between coughings. Ji Hee turned to the tv and stared at the picture not knowing who it was.

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