twenty three.

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"Found you again," Kai spoke and a smirk formed on his lips.

Jimin kept his mouth shut. He wasn't scared at them even though there were two of them there that time. The chance of him getting shot was big but he'll take it.

Kai suddenly chuckled, "come on, Jiminnie, we both know we won't hurt the both of you if you give us the girl right now," he told him.

Jae Eun suddenly remembered what Namjoon said the day before and she's not gonna let Jimin getting hurt protecting her.

"Well, hate to break it to you, bud, she stays with me," Jimin said as he took Jae Eun's free hand and held it. The two were holding the gun with one hand and that was how they're able to hold hands.

You think this was some kind of stupid romance moment right? Well, you thought wrong.

"Come on, Kai, you know I'm not that stupid to easily hand her over to you," Jimin's voice was fearless. Jimin's hand that was holding Jae Eun's moved slowly to his pocket. She creased her eyebrows confusedly but then she felt something inside his pocket. She pulled it out and then she saw the pepper spray she thought she left at her music store.

She held it and saw that Kai wasn't paying attention to her. With that, she immediately turned to Kai and pressed the pepper spray on Kai's eyes making him screamed and dropped his gun while Jimin turned his gun at Sehun at the same time she sprayed the pepperspray. Sehun was surprised and he began shooting which made Jae Eun and Jimin ducked down but Jimin tried to shoot him too which drew panics inside the store.

Kai was still on the floor shouting in pain because of the burning feeling on his eyes from the pepperspray.

Another gunshot and a wince of pain was heard until finally a second gunshot happened ending everything and Jimin pulled on Jae Eun's wrist running to the entrance door but Kai caught Jae Eun's injured foot until she fell but then she kicked Kai's face several times making him let go of her foot.

They kept on running and Jimin aimed his gun at Sehun who was shot and was on the floor trying to pick up his gun that fell so that Jimin won't take a shot. They got off the store finally and run to their car.

"I'll drive," Jae Eun spoke.

"What? But your foot―"

"I'll drive, Jimin!" she spoke loudly. Jimin ran quickly to the passenger's seat and got in then Jae Eun drove the car away from the store at the same time as Sehun exited the store. He cussed when he saw that he just lost the two people again. He then called Kai so they could chase them down.

Jae Eun drove the car fastly back to the warehouse. Jimin who was sitting beside her was trying not to grimace.

"Please hang in there," she told him because he was the first to get shot before Sehun. His shirt was red from blood near his left shoulder. She could know that Sehun was aiming for his heart but missed.

He shut his eyes and hissed several times.

They were lucky that Kai and Sehun couldn't get to them before they reached the warehouse. She parked the car then got off and went to Jimin immediately.

Helping him walk, she took him inside the warehouse. Jungkook who had a bread on his mouth made the bread fall off his mouth when he saw Jimin with his blooded shirt.

"Jimin hyung!" he shouted making everybody's gazes turned to Jimin and Jae Eun and they all panicked.

Jin and Yoongi were the ones who took Jimin away from Jae Eun so that they could take care of the wound.

Jae Eun looked at him go then she sighed.

"Jae Eun-ah," a voice called making her turned to the source of the sound.

Runaway (Mafia!au) || (ON EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now