twenty one.

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"You okay?"

Jae Eun turned to Jimin who was looking at her with concerned look on his face then she looked down.

"As much as I want to say yes, I rather say I hope so," Jae Eun replied truthfully.

Jimin stared at her sadly then went back to the road. There's also nothing he could do to cheer her up. Whatever they want from her, they won't stop looking for it. But the problem was she didn't even know what they wanted from her nor she knew if she had it with her now.

"Don't worry about a thing okay?" Jimin tried to calm her down.

Jae Eun sighed. She didn't know how many times he said that. Did he really gonna take care of everything? Could she trust him? Could she really be safe with him?

"How could I?"


"Jimin, I am being hunt. I don't know what will hapen when I close my eyes trying to sleep or when I just take a small walk around the city. I'm just scared, I wish I could know what they want so I could just give it to them and just get away from them," Jae Eun looked down. If only that could happen.

"Hey, believe me, whatever they want from you, I could guarantee you don't want to hand it over to them. If you found out what they want, please, keep it with you," a hand landed on the backside of her head and rubbed it softly calming her.

"Why? If I keep the thing, my life will be in danger," Jae Eun protested.

"Jagi, believe me on this one, don't hand it to them," Jimin tried to keep calm so he won't make her even more panic.

"You will protect me?" Jae Eun asked and it sounded pretty weird and random.

"I want to. So yeah,why?"

"I'll give you a reward if you can keep me alive from this mess," Jae Eun spoke making Jimin turned to her and furrowed his eyebrows. Was that a threat or she really just trying to encourage Jimin?

He's not gonna lie, it will be hard as hell plus the fact that EXO's number was bigger than Bangtan. But he's also not gonna lie that he will protect her. Get her away from EXO.

"Think you can handle that?" Jae Eun asked again.

"Piece of cake," Jimin grinned and Jae Eun rolled her eyes at him but smiled in the end afterall.


The warehouse was old, made of wood, but quite safe for someone to live inside, also it fit for the nine of them. In fact there were still sooooo many space since the warehouse was huge and empty. There were only some cars there, abandoned and useless.

Taehyung was still busy with his laptop and all the devices he's using, he said he's trying to find out what was EXO after. Jungkook and Hoseok were on his sides looking at his works and sometimes helped him if they found some clues.

"Jae Eun-ah, is it okay if I go through your profile?" Taehyung asked suddenly. Jae Eun who was sitting on an ugly couch with mineral water on her hand just nodded at him. Though she trusted him enough to let him do that. Anyway, she would gladly know some secrets of her life that she didn't know before.

"Jimin, tell me the roles of your group," Jae Eun laid her head back as she looked at Jimin who's sitting beside her with a bottle of coke.

"Well, as you can see, Taehyung is like our techno guy, he could hack anything even the trafic lights and road cctvs, also people's devices to get a lot of informations for us; Namjoon hyung is the capo of the team; Yoongi hyung is like the beta; Jin hyung is pretty good at killing people, because he knew every places on people's body that could easily make a person die instantly; Jungkook usually duplicate things for us such as keys, ID card, etc, and he has a lot of connection, it helps us while doing our missions because we use a lot of help from the people he knows; Hoseok is very good at getting information from people by approaching them without them knowing who he was."

Runaway (Mafia!au) || (ON EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now