thirty three.

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It was nearly midnight and Namjoon hadn't come back from the headquarters. The more she waited the more she felt uneasy. What if they couldn't talk it out with their boss? What if no matter what they wanted, they still had to obey the order of their boss that was to give her away to EXO?

Jae Eun had been trying to close her eyes for hours but it didn't seem to work. She sat up and saw that Ji Hee was sound asleep. She got off the bed and walked out before walking to the kitchen, opening every cabinets and getting all jumpy when she found the chocolate powder. She then made a glass of chocolate milk and was about to take a sip when she heard footsteps on the stairs.

Being the curious self, she walked towards the stairs and then walked up. Her feelings told her that Jimin was at the rooftop and when she arrived at the floor, she was right. A man was standing with his hands inside his pockets. Jae Eun then walked to him still with a glass of milk on her hand.

"You know, I'm starting to think that everytime I have trouble sleeping, you will always have the same problem," her voice made Jimin turned around and smiled warmly at her until she was standing beside him.

Jimin couldn't lie but to still feel awkward about what happened when they were kidnapped. He saw how she cried and how her eyes reflected her feelings which made their way to his heart and broke it slowly.

She sipped her drink then bit her lips. Different than him, Jae Eun didn't really care about what Suho told her, she just couldn't stop thinking about the kiss she got the night before. She was embarrassed of course but should she? When Jimin didn't even remember kissing her that time.

"Do you want some?" she offered the milk to him.

Jimin looked at her for a few seconds before he took the glass and sipped the milk. "Ah, that's nice. Thanks," he said after then gave Jae Eun her milk back.

They were standing and just staring at whatever's in front of them. The scenery wasn't so good but the silence calmed them.

In a few moments, Jae Eun finally finished her drink.

"Hey, you got yourself pointed by a gun so often right? If you want to avoid getting shot, what do you do?" Jae Eun asked. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and squinted his eyes, thinking.

"Well, if the shooter was far from me, I could just pray that he missed or I shoot him first. I can't do matrix so...." he joked and Jae Eun rolled her eyes then chuckled, "but if they were in a close distance where I could still reach them with my hands, I usually snatched their gun," he shrugged as he continued.

"Snatch how?"

Jimin rose one of his eyebrows at her as he glanced at the girl. "Here, let me teach you how, who knows it'll be useful someday," Jimin suddenly pulled out a gun from his hoodie pocket then took out all the bullets. "Hold this and point it to me," he gave the gun to Jae Eun and she took it after she put down her empty glass. She then pointed the gun at him with her right hand. They were silent after until suddenly, in a swift motion, Jimin moved his hands and snatched the gun easily leaving Jae Eun confused.

"Wait wait, I didn't pay attention," Jimin chuckled at her and then gave the gun again.

"First, you have to put your hands up like you were surrendering just so your hands will be close to the gun like this," he put his hands up, "you're holding the gun with your right hand so I have to use my left hand to grab the barrel," he then did what he just told her and Jae Eun nodded, "you just have to see how your opponent holds the gun. If they hold it with their left hand then you have to grab the barrel with your right. Okay proceed, after grabbing the barrel, use your free hand to chop the opponent's wrist and then you twist the gun to the thumb of your opponent and grab the gun," Jimin succeeded on pointing the gun at Jae Eun and Jae Eun laughed.

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