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Your POV:
Sunday....meaning tomorrow we have school. I honestly didn't really have any plans for today so I guess all just watch Netflix.

I turned on my laptop and started to watch greys anatomy (best show ever). After I watched three episodes there was a knock on my bedroom door.

I pause the show and slowly go over and open my door.

"Hey baby sis sorry to bother you but Laurence wants us to comover" Garroth says looking behind me

"Um sure just let me get ready" I say

He nods and I close my door again. Why did Laurence want both of us to come over? I mean I really like him and I think he likes me to but...ugh I'm just over thinking it.

Buzz, I look over at my phone

Laurence❤️- hey Y/N, bring you swim suit when you come over (;

You- why so you can do a photo shoot😂

Laurence❤️- no it's a surprise, hurry up!!

You- cya

Laurence❤️- bye😍

I smile at my phone and change into a white crop top and grey sweat pants. I wore my swimsuit under my clothes cause why not.

I put my hair in a/an H/S and then leave my room and see Zane watching my little horsies on the couch.

"Hey Zane" I say putting on my shoes

"Hey, where are you going?" He asks

"Laurence's house with Garroth, wanna come?" I aks

"Nah I'm gonna hang with aphmau, we are going to the park later tho if your not busy" he says

"Text me when you leave, GARROTH LETS GO!" I yell upstairs

Zane quickly turns the TV off and Garroth come stumbling down the stairs. I giggle and he glares at me.

"Lets just go..." he says leaving the house

"Bye Zane" I say waving to him

"See ya later baby sis" he says as I close the door

We walk over to Laurence's house and I feel butterflies in my stomach. Am I really nervous? I mean I guess I've never been to his house before but Cadenza will be there so it should be good...right??

Once we get to his house I look over and see B/Fs house, maybe Laurence will let me bring her to...or will that be rude.

"Hey Garroth and my sweetheart, welcome to my house" Laurence says slamming the door open

"Sweetheart?" Garroth questions

"Yes she is my sweetheart, got a problem?" Laurence asks him winking at me causing my face to heat up

Obviously Laurence was trying to get on Garroths nerves.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask changing the subject

"We are going to the beach" cadenza says running down the stairs

"Everyone change, you can change in my room if you want" Laurence says winking at me causing Garroths face to turn red with anger

"Tempting but I already have my swim suit on" I say taking off my crop top and sweat pants.

"Tempting but I already have my swim suit on" I say taking off my crop top and sweat pants

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