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Your POV:
ITS FRIDAY!! Yay I'm super siked for everything. I'm just waiting for the call that my mom has her memory back!

I change into a dark purple crop top with white ripped jean shorts and black converse. I put on mascara and strawberry perfume then put my hair in a bun.

"Hey little sis" Garroth says coming into my room

"Hey big bro" I say cheerfully

"Someone's in a good mood today" he says chuckling

"I know, I don't know why (lie) but I am" I say smiling

"By the way Laurence is coming over tomorrow so be somewhere else" I say

"I'm not leaving you guys alone" he says acting like the over protective brother he is

"Chill, Zane is gonna be here with aphmau also so it's all good" I say

"Fine, all hangout with B/F then" he says leaving my room

I roll my eyes then take out my phone checking my messages 1 new message from CODY😊

CODY😊- hey Y/N, sick so won't be at school today but all be cheering for Laurence in my bed😂

You- oh yea I totally forgot Laurence has a football game, hope you feel better soon!!

CODY😊- don't worry I will, cya

You- peace✌️

I head downstairs and see Zane, he had actually cooked food.

"Wow Zane...nice" I say looking at the eggs and pancakes

"I just had to watch like 5 hours worth of cooking videos but hey finally paid off!" He says happily

"You so weird" I say giggling

He gives me a plate of 2 pancakes and half my plate full worth of scrambled eggs. I kinda needed it because I was still really skinny.

I was eating when I noticed my scars again, I regret that so badly....I finish eating and my phone buzzes.

(Group Chat)
B/F- made a group chat with everyone in it so we can all talk

Lar- cool, hey Y/N still want me to walk you to school?

You- of course!❤️

Gar- take your love else where

Aph- I think it's cute

Trav- heyyyy Katelyn~

Kate- would you shut up!

Cody- yea she's mine!

Trav- NO! She's mine!

Cody- she likes me, not you!

Trav- really? Katelyn who do you like more?

Kate- I'm not in this conversation

Katelyn has left the conversation

You- great you made Katelyn leave nice guys

Lar- who's idea was it to make a group chat with Travis and Cody in it

B/F- guilty😂

You- were weird

Aph- you don't even know

Trav- I still want an answer

Cody- she left because of you!

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