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Your POV:
The realization hit me like a truck. I look over at Laurence with a worried look.

"What's wrong" he asks

Suddenly I got really dizzy and everything went black but then I realized I was still standing there so I shrugged it off as nothing.

"Zane...he's still home" I say

Laurence's eyes go wide and Garroth quickly turns around facing us. He doesn't say anything he just runs to the direction of the house.

Laurence and I follow closely behind. I forgot about everything other than Zane...

"ZANE!?" Garroth yells frantically bursting through our door

Through all of the chaos I could I could tell like I got this feeling he was in the basement.

So I went to the basement door and slowly opened it. I saw Zane tied up with something covering his mouth. But from the look of his eyes I knew I shouldn't go down there.

I quietly closed the door and dialed 911.

?- 911 what's your emergency

Y- my brother has been kidnapped by this man and him and the man are downstairs I just found him but I need police men

?- they are already on the way, what are the names of the victim and kidnapper dude (idk😂)

Y- Zane Romeave  he's my brother who's been kidnapped and Gene black sword who has kidnapped him

?- thank you

I end the call and hear police sirens. I open the door and see Zane still sitting there struggling. This time I make my presence known by making more noise.

"ZANE!" I say like I didn't just see him

I run down the stairs and all he did was shake his head frantically. I got the thing off his mouth and he looks behind me with his eyes wide.

"Run" is all he says

I look behind me and see Gene with a black aruora around him. I knew what that meant all to well.....yep that's right genes a shadow knight...

I run up the stairs regretting my descion to go down before the cops got there. *cough* people in horror movies *cough*.

When I got to the top the cops were there and ran over to me. Five went downstairs and the other one stayed up to watch us and ask questions.

Honestly I was traumatized. Good thing it was just a dream...

"Y/N!" I hear as I slowly open my eyes

I realize I was in a bed but not an ordinary bed, no I was in a hospital bed. Great I must've fainted.

"Oh my Irene I'm so glad your awake we were all so worried and I- I thought I lost you" I hear a masculine voice say

I look over and see a guy with brown Hair and green eyes. Wait I know him Irene what was his name again....oh yea Laurence in dating him.

"Laurence uh hey" I say

He looks at me confused and a doctor pulls him to the side and starts talking.

"Y/N has minor brain damage meaning she might have a little memory loss but probably not enough to forget people but maybe some events that happened or people's birthdays ya know" he says loud enough so I can hear

"Oh" is all Laurence says

I felt so bad. I didn't even know what happened. The last thing I remember was saying that Zane was alone then everything went black.

"Um doctor sir what exactly happened to me?" I ask

"You fainted and hit your head on the ground because I didn't catch you..." Laurence says trailing off

"Don't blame yourself, I still love you no matter what" I say the words flowing out before I could stop them

He looks at me wide eyed and I guess the doctor noticed the tension cause he left immediantly.

"Y-you love me?" He asks

I look down ashamed but he walks over to me.

"I love you to" he says kissing me

We weren't even dating but the moment felt special. Almost to special...

"APHMAU!?" I Hear a voice yell

I look around and realize I'm on the sidewalk. Did that mean I dreamt about the hospital and the kiss?

"Hi?" I say akwardly starting to get up

I see Laurence, Garroth and B/F standing in front of me.

"Oh thank the lord your okay" B/F says hugging me

"What happened" I ask stumbling a little but Laurence caught me

"You said Zane then all the sudden you blacked out" Laurence says

What if My dreams or whatever you call them were telling me something. What if I just saw into the future.

My eyes go wide once again and I run to the house with everyone following me. Except when I got inside Zane was on the couch with aphmau.

"Oh thank Irene your okay" I say

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy and I just kinda scratched the back of my neck and looked down.

"Your adorable when your embarrassed" Laurence says

Garroth glares at him then looks at me and his face softens.

"You really like him don't you?" Garroth asks me

I knew he was referring to Laurence and I think Laurence wanted to hear my answer to.

"Um well yea he's perfect" I say

Garroth sighed a big sigh then changed the subject by talking about school. After a while we decide to finally leave and we went to the movie theater because why not.

When we got inside Garroth and B/F went to go pick a movie and me and Laurence got snacks.

"Were going to see "The Bye Bye man" Garroth says

I look at B/F and wink at her she smirks at me and grabs Garroths hand. Garroths face goes red and then Laurence puts his arm around me.

We enter the theater and sit down in the back. It was just starting and I was already creeped out. Then a gun shot happened and I snuggled up to Laurence.

I look over at B/F and Garroth and Garroth had his arm around her while she snuggled up to him. I smile and look up at Laurence.

"Your so adorable" he says looking down at me

I smirk and kiss him on the cheek.

"That's for being attractive" I say giggling

He had a confused look on his face then he smiled and looked back at the movie. *BAM!*

"AHHH!" B/F yells earning glares from everyone else in the theater

I look at Laurence and snuggle even closer to him, breathing in his scent...

This was the best day ever....or was it?

Hello sparkle squad so a little more romance in this one, comment suggestions...peace out

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