Your POV:
After swimming in the lake we all decided to go back to our site. We ate some smores and Garroth attempted to tell scary ghost stories but failed miserably."I'm getting tired" I say yawning
"Me to" Zane says
"Me three" b/f says
"Then let's head to bed and tomorrow we'll go do some other things" Laurence says
Travis and Zane go to there tent, Garroth goes to his and B/f tent and I go to me and Laurence's.
I lay down in my sleeping bag and cuddle up next to Laurence.
"Goodnight" he says kissing me
"Night" I reply softly
"Wake up love birds!!" Garroth yells unzipping our tent"Ugh Garroth" Laurence groans
"Come on its 7am we got to be awake" he says
I glare at him and slowly get up. Laurence stays laying down and I lightly kick him to get him up.
"Wake up" I say
He rolls over and looks at me.
"Morning beautiful" he says in his Smexy morning voice
I blush lightly and put on some pink athletic shorts and a black t-shirt. I put on some white converse and exit the tent.
Garroth and Travis we're cooking, well Travis was cooking and Garroth was trying to help but failing miserably.
"Morning bestie" b/f comes over to me saying
"You boyfriend is such a great cook" I say giggling
"Yea, good thing I know how to cook" she says
I raise my eyebrows at her.
"The last time you tryed cooking, you set the mac and cheese on fire" I say
"No I didn't" she says looking down
"Yea, you forgot to put water in it somehow and it set on fire" I say
She looks up and glares at me.
"All show you I can cook" she says
She walks over to Travis and grabs his spatula
"Hey!" Travis yells
and starts flipping the pancakes. One of them landed on the grass and others landed on Travis feet.
"Okay that's it give me that back" he says snachting to from her hands
I was dying of laughter and she looks down as she walks over to me.
" of us has to learn how to cook" she says
"Garroth can cook...he just makes a mess" I say
"Then we can work together" she says
"Ok everyone ready to go?" Laurence asks
"Where exactly are we going?" I ask
"We're going to adventure, see where the trail takes us" he says
"And when we get murdered and killed we'll blame it on you" b/f says
"Oh come on, this place is safe" he says
Zane and Travis glance at eachother then shake there heads.
"Whatever let's just go" Zane says
We went up the trail and saw so many beautiful things. Flowers, birds, everything was so pretty.
"We should head back im getting hungry" Travis saysWe had been hiking for about two hours. It wasent that hot out so we werent dying.
"Same" Garroth says
"Ok then let's head back" Laurence says
We start to head back down the trail and pass by an opening in the woods.
"Guys look" I say
I point to the opening, all it showed was trees but I wanted to see what else we could find.
"Let's come back later" Laurence says
I sighed and let them go in front of me,
"I'm gonna tie my shoes don't wait up" I say
They walk ahead of me and I go into the opening of the trail. I keep walking and walking and don't find anything.
After a few more minutes I hear People calling out my name. I look ahead one more time and see a house. It looked abondoned and creepy, I smirk and run back over to everyone.
I was for sure coming back. With B/f tonight.
"Where did you go I was worried sick" Laurence says hugging me then kissing me
"Sorry I got distracted," I ask
Laurence chuckles and points over to the table where hotdogs and burgers were placed.
It was late at night now and everyone but Laurence, b/f and me were asleep."I'm tired, gonna go to bed, you coming?" Laurence asks
"Later" I reply
B/f looks at me and raises her eyebrows.
"Ok so I found this abandoned looking house earlier and-"
"Ok let's go" she says cutting me off
"But I didn't even get to finish" I say
"So I'm always down for some ghosts" she says
I roll my eyes and we walk up the trail and into the opening. B/f takes out her flashlight and flashes it down the trail.
"This it?" She aks
I nod and we start heading forward. Once we reach the house we both glanced at eachother.
"Ready?" I ask
"Yep" she replies
We enter the house and took a look around. There was dust everywhere and some old books laying around. There was one thing there that caught my eye though.
"Hey b/f look at this" I say picking up a object
It looked like a gold coin and was in mint condition. It wasent dusty or anything.
"That could be worth a fortune" she says
"It also could be cursed" I say
"Haven't you watched supernatural, a item that is cursed could do anything to us, we should just leave it here" I say
She sighs and I set it back down where I found it. We walked into the kitchen and found that there was a sandwhich on the table.
"Um b/f, we have a slight problem" I say
"What might that be?" She asks
"If this house really is abandond why is there a perfectly good sandwhich sitting on the table?" I ask
She looks at the table and her eyes go wide.
"Maybe we should leave before who or whatever lives there finds us" she says
"To late...." a voice says
Ooooo cliffhanger, anways sorry for taking so long to update been a little out of it but it's all good now, hope y'all are enjoying because rn I'm dying of boredom anways peace

Overprotective ||LaurenceXReader||
FanfictionYou is the youngest of her three older brothers, garroth, vylad and Zane. You are starting highschool this year, what will happen when you fall in love will your brothers bestfriend, will they leave you be? Or will they become overprotective...