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Your POV:
"Do you like travis?" Garroth asks bluntly

Zanes cheeks turns pink and he looks down.

"Wh-what n-no why, why would y-you think th-that?" He sputters out

"Whenever your around him, you blush and stare, in pretty sure he likes you to" Garroth says

"Zane if your gay we support you I mean we all know Garroth used to like Laurence" I say

Zane and I burst out laughing and Garroths face turns red.

"H-hey we all know who I like" he says

"Yea, speaking of her....we haven't talked in a while, is she mad at me?" I aks

"What B/F? No she's not, she's just been busy working and stuff" Garroth says

"So back on topic...Zane, anything you wanna tell us?" I ask

"Maybe I do like him...." he starts but I cut him off

"EEEEEE!!!! YESSS MY SHIP IS SAILING!!!" I scream in the middle of the mall hallway

I received glares and weird looks from everyone and I scratch the back of my neck and look away.

"But...I don't know if he even likes me" he finishes

"Well let's find out then" I say grinning evilly

"W-what are you d-doing" Zane asks nervously

"You'll see" I say taking out my phone and texting travis

You- hey travis, do you like Zane!

Trav- what? Why would you think that?

You- you guys always stare and blush whenever your around eachother

Trav- let's not have this conversation now

You- be at your place in three hours

Trav- but I'm not telling anything

Trav- fine ignore me

Trav- Y/N!!!

I put my phone away and smirk at Zane.

"Let's go to the food court in starving" I say rubbing my stomach

Garroth and Zane chuckle slightly and we head over to it. We get a large pizza to share and dig into it.

"This is really good" I say with a mouthful of pizza

Garroth chuckles slightly and nods.

"So baby sis, how's Laurence?" Zane asks

"Good" I reply

We continue to eat in silence and end up eating the whole thing.

"Where to next?" Zane asks

"Icecream!" I exclaim excitedly

"We just ate" Garroth groans

"Finnnneee let's just go back home then get icecream later" I suggest

"Ok, Zane you have to invite Travis over, I will invite B/F and Y/N brings Laurence" Garroth says

"You are inviting Laurence over to be with me? Are you feeling ok?" I ask feeling his forehead

"Yes I'm fine, I just want to be able to keep and eye on you to" he says

"There's the Garroth I know and love" I say giggling

He rolls his eyes and we leave the mall then head back to our house. Once we get inside it felt safe.

"Wow I haven't been here in a while" I say flopping down on our couch

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