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Your POV:
"Should I forgive him?" I ask

The wind was blowing my hair. The warm air felt perfect on my skin. I looked around at all the flowers and the beautiful trees.

"Yes" Cody says

I give him a weird look. Why should I forgive him? I mean I guess second chances never hurt anyone...

"He loves you and it's very obvious" he says

"I love him to" I say

We stop walking and Cody faces me.

"When we get back we're gonna play 7 minutes in heaven so I better see some action" he says

I roll my eyes and we walk back to the house. Everyone was on the couch and a movie was playing.

"What are we watching?" I ask sitting next to Laurence

He looks at me weirdly but goes along with it.

"Don't hang up" Travis replys

"So are you still mad?" Laurence whispers to me

I shake my head then lay it on his chest, he wraps his arm around my shoulders then kisses my forehead.

The movie ends and it was 6pm. I didn't realize we spent a lot of time just talking. Mostly everyone left except Laurence and B/F.

"So are you guys gonna start dating anytime soon?" I ask Garroth and B/F

"Lets go to my house" B/F suggests to Garroth ignoring my question

"Ok, see ya later baby sis" Garroth says waving me goodbye

Laurence smirks at me knowing we were alone now because Zane was with Aphmau and vylad had been spending the night at his fancy school.

"What you wanna do?" I ask

He leans in then kisses me, he slowly moves down to my neck. He smirks at me and we lay down on the couch still kissing.

We were making out for like ever. It was amazing. I couldn't help but imagine more.

"Your so beautiful" Laurence says kissing my neck

"Mmm" I moan

He goes back up to my lips then we pull away again. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I back away from him to check it.

Cody☺️- heyyyy I know your with Laurence but can you please hang...pppllleeeaasseee

You- why don't you ask Katelyn?

Cody☺️- I did but she's busy...please😩

You- fiinnee

Cody☺️- yayayay be there in 10

I put my phone down and look back at Laurence.

"Going out with Cody" I say

"Nooooo" he whines

"Chill, it's only for a little while, you can hangout with dante" I say

He kisses me again and I go upstairs and change into a grey shirt with jean shorts and Black converse.

*knock knock*

I run downstairs and Laurence had already answered the door.

"Hey Cody" I say coming up from behind Laurence

"Hey Y/N ready to go?" He asks

"Yea, where are we going exactly?" I ask

"You'll see" he says with a wink

"Are you stealing my girlfriend?" Laurence asks jokingly

"Yep" Cody replys grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the house

Laurence shouts after us but Cody drags me to his car and puts me inside. I roll my eyes and giggle.

"So gonna tell me now?" I ask

He shakes his head and hands me a blind fold.

"Really?" I question, he nods

I put it on and shake my head slowly....what have I gotten myself into?

(Time skip brought to you by goldfish)

The car stops and I hear codys side door open, we had been driving for what seemed like an hour but I don't really know.

"Where are we?" I question

"You'll see" he says opening my side door and grabbing my hand

I follow him into what felt like a woods. We stop and he slowly takes my blind fold off. My eyes widen at the realization of where we were.

Hola sparkle squad, yes short chapter, sorry been busy with school but will try to update Friday or Saturday, where did Cody take her? Was it some place bad?

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