Chapter 14: Welcoming Death

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After hours of driving, we found him on a boat. The problem is we didn't think strategy so when we saw him, he saw us. We fired shots but before long we saw him push the chair in the water. I didn't think, I just hopped out of the truck and ran to the water. I felt a pain in my shoulder distantly as I dived in the River to save her. She had already passed out so I dug out my pocket knife and cut her from the chair. I pulled her to surface with me and before long someone was taking the duct-tape from her mouth and doing CPR. I saw Aaron on his knees with a gun to his head and a second later I heard a shot. I watched as his body was thrown into the River and my men cleaned up evidence. I started to feel like I was under water and the pain in my shoulder grew more intense. I fell to the ground and I heard her scream. She was alive and that was all that mattered. With that final thought, I welcomed death.

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