Chapter 3- New Woman

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I swallow some pain relievers with my orange juice, squinting at the light coming through the window. Other than a killer headache, I seem to have survived a night of partying unscathed. I drink the rest of my glass of orange juice, watching the city streets below me from the window. The microwave beeps indicating that my oatmeal is done and I jump up to get it, leaving my empty glass in the sink. I toss some blueberries into my oatmeal, stirring it with a spoon while I stare out the window. I eat, barely even tasting my food as my mind fills with memories of the previous night with Kate. Our kiss has been on repeat in my mind since it happened. It's all I can think about. If I close my eyes I can still feel her lips on mine and her body grinding against me. I think about the events before the bar, her flirting with me, the sureness in her eyes just before she kissed me. Does she think of me as more than a friend? The thought never occurred to me before, but after last night I'm questioning everything. Then I remember her behavior after the kiss. She was completely...normal, drunk, but normal. From the car ride home, to us stumbling into the apartment together, even after I held her hair back as she puked and tucked her into bed, she never made another move towards me. She didn't say a single word about the kiss, nothing to give me any indication as to how she's feeling. It was like it never even happened. It was just a stupid, drunken kiss, nothing more. It was an accident. A mistake. She was drunk, I was drunk. She probably won't even remember it when she wakes up. Or maybe, just maybe, it did mean something. I don't know how to feel about it either way. I throw my empty oatmeal bowl in the sink and walk over to the window, pulling the curtains over it to block out the sun. I grab some pain relievers from the bottle on the counter and pour another glass of orange juice for Kate. She'll need it when she wakes up. She drank even more than I did last night. I carry the juice and pills to her bedroom and silently set them on her bedside table, careful not to disturb her sleep. Then I retreat back to the living room and bury myself in a book.

"Good morning." Kate's voice startles me, making me drop my book. "Oh, Jesus, Kate. You scared me." I bend down and grab my book from where I dropped it and set it down on the coffee table. "Sorry. Sometimes I forget you scare easily." Kate smiles apologetically, and I sigh. "It's okay. How are you feeling?" I ask. "A lot better than I expected. Thanks for the orange juice and pills that really helped, and of course the twelve hours of sleep helped too." Twelve hours? What time is it? I glance at the clock and see that it's nearly four in the afternoon. "How about you?" I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "I'm alright. Just a little tired." Kate nods, then she awkwardly puts her hand on my knee. "I wanted to apologize for last night." She starts and my heart sinks. She's going to apologize for our kiss. It was just a mistake to her. "For all the throwing up and everything. I know I was probably pretty difficult to handle. I thought I was fine, but once we got home everything just went downhill. I'm glad you were there to help hold my hair back or things could've been a lot worse. Thank you for that by the way." The throwing up? That's what this is about? "It was nothing, Kate. You know I don't mind." I brush her off. "I know you don't, Ana, and I love that about you. Listen, there's something else I wanted to talk to you about. About last night, I mean." She pauses, seeming nervous. This is it. She's gonna tell me what the kiss meant. "I um...well...I don't know if you remember, but last night we sort of I kissed you. I guess. Do you remember that Ana?" She looks up at me through thick eyelashes, her expression...hopeful? "Yes, I remember." I whisper, blushing at the thought of it. "Good. I do too, very well, actually." She smirks. "I know that was a huge risk and probably very confusing for you and I'm sorry for that. I should've thought of a better way to do this, but I want you to know that I liked it. I like you." She confesses, bringing warmth all through my body. She likes me? Kate the blonde goddess likes me? I'm trying to wrap my head around it, when she reaches out and grabs my face, looking into my eyes. "Did you like our kiss, Ana?" I blink, I'm frozen like a deer in a headlight. "Yes." I admit, blushing uncontrollably. "Then maybe you'll like this one too." She leans in and kisses me. Softly at first, then rougher, more passionate. When I feel her tongue in my mouth, I almost freeze up, but the warmth of her mouth on mine thaws me out instantly, and suddenly I'm kissing her back with just as much force. When she pulls away I'm breathless and probably redder than a tomato. "Did you like that, Ana?" I nod, breathlessly. She smirks and carefully begins to unbutton my blouse, her body hovering over mine. She finishes the last button and tugs my shirt off, tossing it to the floor. Then she leans in and plants a kiss right at the base of my neck, making me moan. "Kate." I breathe, as she kisses her way down to my breasts. "Do you want me to keep going, Ana?" She asks, looking up at me. All I can do is nod. She smiles triumphantly and takes my hand, leading me into her bedroom. She guides me onto her bed with her and immediately picks up where she left off, wasting no time. She reaches behind me and unhooks my bra, then proceeds kissing, sucking, and biting at my breasts, as she slips one hand into my pants. Her fingers slide under my panties, straight to the source of the wetness spreading in my pants. I squirm all over the bed, unable to keep still as her fingers rub against my sex. She stops abruptly, her cheeks flushed and eyes wild, and yanks off my pants and undergarments, leaving me fully exposed. If it's possible I blush even more, now for a different reason. Kate seems to notice my hesitation and she smiles sweetly. "Relax, baby. You have nothing to worry about, I promise. You're beautiful, Anastasia. I don't want you to ever think any different." She reassures me, making my heart beat even faster. Kate thinks I'm beautiful. The thought makes me smile, but my smile is quickly replaced with a moan as she slides her fingers inside me, then proceeds to kiss me, down there. "Do you like that, Ana?" She asks, her mouth inches from my sex. "Mhmm....Yes....Kate, Please keep going." She grins at me from between my thighs, then her tongue glides between my legs and I practically convulse. She brings me to an orgasm twice, first with her mouth, then with her fingers. By the time she's done I'm fully satiated and exhausted.

Kate runs her fingers through my hair over and over again, playing with it, as I look up at the ceiling. It's soothing, calming. I don't want to move, but I have to. I sit up and Kate frowns at me, wanting me to stay put. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be right back." I slip my panties back on and throw on the first shirt I find on the floor. Then I shuffle into the bathroom without looking back. My body feels heavy with exhaustion, but my eyes are wide and bright as I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I run water over my face and pat it dry with a towel, trying to clear my thoughts and bring some energy back to my body. I look different, but I can't quite put my finger on it. It's like Kate said years ago when I confessed to her that I was a virgin. She said after I lost it I'd be like a new woman, and she was right. That's exactly how I feel. Like a whole new woman. I walk back to Kate's bedroom and give her my best sexy smile. "How ya feeling?" She questions, returning my smile. "Like a whole new woman." She smirks at that. "Of course you do. I knew you would." I look down her body, seeing she's wearing her cream colored satin nightgown, the one with the lace. I barely even noticed she was wearing it earlier when she woke up. I was too distracted, but now I've got my eyes on the prize and I'm ready to win it. "I wanna try that with you." I say, stepping towards her, curiously. "Well, that's an offer I can't turn down. Get over here!" She pats the bed next to her and I sit down. I bite my lip nervously, looking down at the spot between her thighs. "Don't worry, baby. I'll guide you through it." She assures me, with a smile. And she does.

Authors Note; Ana finally lost her virginity!!! Go Ana!

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