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Rhea Di got married today. And no matter how much I hate to say this; I miss her presence in the house. She was annoying and nagging alright; but I was still kind of used to her around me. And it sucks to not have her around like always.

I don't think I will ever admit this in front of anybody, but I could actually feel my tear ducts well up when all the rituals seemed to draw to a close.

It was stupid of me though, considering she's going to be living just two kilometres away from us. But it still felt like a big deal; to even let the realization that she won't be living in the same house as I sink in.

No more fights over the washroom, no more sharing clothes, no more having someone eavesdropping on my phone calls...


Why must girls always have to be the ones moving out of their homes after getting married?



I need a distraction. I really do. There's exactly 28 days left for the paper. And I'm freaking out so, so bad.

Which is why, I'm going to write about something that is not related to CA. Not that I have much of a life outside of CA, but let's give this a shot anyway!

I'd gone to buy some bread at around nine last night. You're obviously not decked up when you go to buy bread from one of the general stores close to your place. And neither was I. (Not that I am ever super decked up.)

I was in pyjamas; and this horribly fading tank top. It used to be pink when I'd bought it around four years ago. Now it looks like this weird mix of white and beige and fits me somewhat...tightly.

Not so pretty.

Not to mention the two sickly French braids I'd done to my hair.

And guess WHO I bumped into?

Take a wild guess.

Let it be AS wild as possible okay?


Vedant paused.

Nine at night. A girl in two braids who'd stared at me with two huge doe shaped eyes.

If it isn't obvious enough I was hyperventilating. I wasn't EXPECTING him there.

He's even more gorgeous up front though. I was right. He HAS light eyes. And it seems like he has a very pleasing personality too.

He SMILED at me.

Can you believe that?

I mean he looked rather amused for some odd reason but he SMILED at me.

The girl had been very fidgety.

I'd smiled at her; and she had flushed. I'd found her face very familiar. I was almost going to ask her if we knew each other.

Vedant felt a surge of adrenaline through him; his fingers gripping the diary rather tightly.

She lives here.

Damn it. She lives somewhere out here! And she's talking about ME!

She thinks I'M hot. She finds me so attractive.


It is some sort of a universal fact where in when one comes to know that they are liked by someone; it flatters them. Vedant rose from his spot and stared at the mirror; and despite the fight he put up with himself; a grin emerged on his features.

For the first time in the twenty years of his existence; he seemed to process just what he looked like. He noted every feature of his with utmost concentration; and yet; he failed to detect anything that could make him as attractive as Meera seemed to describe him to be.

Except maybe his height.

Six feet was a fairly decent height; though he had had zero contribution towards it. It was just his luck and the magic of genetics.

Even his light eyes had been passed on by his Mum.

He was an average wheat-ish shade and unlike other friends of his; who spent every hour that they didn't study in the gym; he was the kind to stay at home in his pyjamas. He had no abs and no 'sexy cuts' as the girls referred to them.

The longest he'd been to a gym without a break was four days and within two days into his so called diet he'd realized it wasn't his thing.

There had been so many times he'd just sat and wondered how his friends from coaching classes managed to handle seven hour long classes, college, gym and diet all at once. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't capable of the above mentioned juggling of work.

So all these factors combined made him a strictly average looking guy.

What if she is not talking about me? But is talking about Archit?

Archit. His best friend. Quite the opposite of him; he was a gym addict and always dressed to kill. His dimpled smile only added to his looks; and more often than not; it was him who'd gotten all the female fan following.

But it couldn't be him.

For she talked of a private Instagram account with an obscure name.

Archit had neither of the above.

Which boiled things down to one fact; Meera was talking about him. And she found him exceedingly hot.


If I'm being honest, I'm not sure what I find attractive about the guy. Just his looks, or  his general personality and vibe.

I could be totally wrong, but he seems like a very responsible and dependable guy. Kind of benevolent too.

There I go with my over-analysis! I better go back to study now, I'm sure he must be studying too.



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