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"Hi." Vedant almost whispered, as though it were a secret he was sharing with her.

"Hey." She spoke meekly, still seemingly revelling upon the crazy bag swap.

"I'm Vedant. And I think our bags got swapped."

Meera blinked for the first few seconds, as though trying to form a response. Vedant on the other hand could feel his racing heartbeat and the adrenaline surging.

"H..." she choked on her own words, then clearing her throat asked, "...How do you know my name?"

Great Vedant. Now she'll find out that you've read her diary and is going to hate you even before she knows you.

"Well, your...your bag..." If she hates me because of this I'M going to hate myself for forever! "...your bag had your IT book!"

He sighed, quite proud of the quick cover up he came up with.

"Oh. I must've written my name in it." She muttered thoughtfully.

Vedant scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he wondered what she'd say next.

"'s your bag." She offered gently, looking at him expectantly.

What? No!

If I give her her bag back I'll have no other way to meet her again!

"Um...yeah about that. I...uh...I wasn't expecting to meet you here. I sort of left some of your stuff back home."

"Oh." She sighed softly.

God! How can someone who wrote such SASSY journal entries be SO shy in person?

"Well, why don't we exchange numbers? I'll text you where we can meet and I'll return you your bag with all your stuff?"

Please say yes Meera. Please say yes.


Vedant's head snapped back at Archit, who stood with an unrecognizably huge grin on his face as he looked at the girl standing behind Meera.

"Archit!" the girl exclaimed, her eyes widening and teeth flashing with the same or even more enthusiasm than Archit displayed.

Vedant noted how Archit fidgeted with the strap of his watch nervously and even noted how the girl; Kanika rushed to him and scooped her arms around him. Archit turned red.

Dear God.

Archit? And blushing?

Vedant had still not turned back to look at Meera and almost blushed himself when from the corner of his gaze he noted how she looked at him. She was checking him out; so subtly; he could've easily missed out on it.

When Kanika finally stepped back from Archit, he turned towards Vedant and gushed,

"This is Kanika. We were in school together." Archit introduced. Vedant raised his brows suggestively and his best friend officially turned into a tomato. "And Kanika, this is my best friend Vedant."

Kanika offered him a friendly smile and a gentle nod.

He also didn't miss the suggestive look she gave Meera at the back.

"That's Aashni."Kanika introduced.

Vedant nodded and caught the questioning look Archit threw him, obviously remembering the girl he'd stalked on Instagram for Vedant.

"And uh...that's Meera. You guys obviously know each other already."

Meera flashed an almost miss-able smile at him as she tucked a chunk of hair behind her ears.

Silence ensued next, until Vedant cleared his throat loudly.

"Nice to meet you all."

Seriously Vedant?

How much more of a MORONE can you sound like?

"Same here." Kanika and Aashni chimed. Meera only offered another one of her shy smiles.

"Well then..." Vedant started again, hoping Meera would catch the hint and give him her number.

"Yes! You were going to give him your number; Meera." Aashni helped and Vedant knew that very instant he was going to be really close to that girl.

Meera nodded and Vedant saved her number; completely oblivious as to the intensity with which his best friend studied him.

Vedant rang Meera up to ensure the number was right; and only then heaved a sigh of relief. It took all his will power to say,

"Well then...I guess I'll see you soon."

"Yes." Meera flushed so adorably; Vedant had to force himself to look away.

Seriously, what did you even see in me Meera?

I'd have never thought I was capable of having such an effect on a girl like you.


As promised, this was the first chapter.

I've still not finalized the name for the sequel so I'm sorry for the super general name up there.

Until the sequel is out, see ya!

~kimayaa aka Ankita

As always, I'm not going to delete this old author's note for the simple reason that it reminds me of the time when I actually wrote this book. I find many people asking me about the sequel. It's already published guys. ^_^ It's complete too.
If you think you want to know more of Vedant and Meera's story, please give it a read too.
Oh! And there's a third book to this series. I'm working on it as of now, but it should be out soon.
Happy Reading!

Happy Reading!

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