Part 2 (not good at chapter names)

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"well, no there are the staff that work here, like the
maids, and the chef," he answered smiling, to show that he got that it was a

He sounds almost as
lonely as I am. I thought to myself

"well anyways, If we're moving in together, we should get to
know each other a little better," Mitsuki said to me, after a long pause.

"um well my name is Rin, and I'm new to the village as you
already know, there's not too much about me, nobody cares about me, my parents
abandoned me," I said, realizing that I probably should have said something a
little less depressing.

"wow," He answered

"yeah I know," I retorted.

"that's super depressing," he said looking straight into my

"yeah sorry, I probably should've waited to tell you all of

"it's alright, anyways, it's getting late, I should show you
to your room.

He grabbed my hand again, and led me through the house to a
"if you need anything, my room is right next to yours, in
fact there's a little door, right over there, so we can talk if you want to,"
he gave me the sweetest smile when he said this. It made me blush, he noticed
and thought that he said something wrong.

"did I mess up? Did I
say something wrong?"
no, you're fine, you're actually great," he got closer when
I said this, my heart was racing, he said.

"that means so much to me, thank you for saying that." He said,
blushing for the first time I've seen him.

I moved in closer to him. He looked down, and then back up
at me. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back, he brought his arm up and
we started to hug. He brought me down onto the bed, and we kept on kissing. He whispered
in my ear.

"I don't want to go all the way yet."

"good I don't either, I just hate sleeping alone, and you're
honeslty the nicest person I've ever met."

"thanks, now shut up and kiss me some more."

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