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I woke up in a dark cube shaped room, the walls had nonsense scribbled on them, there was a tiny window, there was a broken pipe dripping water onto the floor, the puddle of water was stretching across almost half the room, "could they be trying to drown me?" I wondered. I started trying to wrestle myself free from the bonds, but to no avail. "Help!" I screamed, I waited, nobody responded, my arms were tied to the back of the chair, I tried to wrestle them free but my wrists started to sting, I tried to grab a kunai from my back pocket, but they must've taken it because there was nothing there. Then I closed my eyes, I focused on my chakra, I looked around the room and realized that there was a puddle on the other side of the room, I groaned, "idiot," I whispered under my breath. I started to weave hand signs behind my back, "WATER STYLE: WATER CLONE JUTSU" then out of the puddle a copy of myself started to form, once it was finished, my clone walked over and undid my bindings, then I dispersed my clone. "At least I didn't have to use any of my kekkei genkai," I thought to myself, I started to look for a way out, I walked over to the wall and pressed my ear against it, there was no noise coming from that side. I moved on to the opposite wall, nothing. The wall after that, nothing. And the last wall I tried, I pressed my ear to the wall, there was the faint noise of footsteps, a raspy mans voice saying "let's see if the kid woke up". I jumped away from the door, and got ready to fight. The wall suddenly began to start moving, the wall flipped upwards and in shone a bright light. I covered my eyes, I heard a voice saying "dammit, the kid IS a water style user, see I told you we should've fixed that pipe, now we gotta deal with him," I could tell that if I were to get captured again, they would be more careful and probably bind me up so that I couldn't use jutsu, I couldn't afford to lose here.
I charged forward and kicked him in the stomach, he grabbed my leg and threw it to the side, then he struck the ground "EARTH STYLE MUD WALL," he bellowed, a wall was thrust up from the ground, it blocked my way to attack him, so I decided to use "WATER STYLE: RIPPING TORENT," it summoned a tempest and struck down the wall, I ran in I went to grab a kunai, forgetting that I had none, the man grabbed me by the neck, and threw me against the adjacent wall, pain shook through my body, I grimaced, the man smiled, I wrapped my feet around his arm and tried to loosen his grip on my throat, he wouldn't stop, I was desperate for breath, my vision was getting blurry, when all of a sudden, a blue flash zipped through the room. In an instant my kidnapper was on the floor. The mysterious figure stepped out from the shadows. "Are you ok?" Asked a familiar voice. My heart raced, I said "is it really you?" "Yeah," the not so mysterious figure walked out from the shadows and wrapped me up in a hug, "I'm so sorry," he said "I should've never done that to you," I kissed him. " I'm sorry for thinking that you abandoned me," I responded. "Now let's get the hell out of here".

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