Chapter 3- Holes and Bows

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Chapter 3- Holes and Bows

Naw. I couldn't be gone. I still felt myself. I could still hear Nya's Scream ringing in my ears. I just kept, falling. That is, until I hit the bare ground. I should have died, but didn't. The only pain I had was my back, which I had fallen on.

The ocelot was out of plain sight, and all I could see was stone, and some torches. I then heard Nya's scream, louder, closer. Please tell me she did not just jump down the hole that I fell in!!


She did. I heard her groan. That was a good sign- At least she didn't die. I was just laying there mentally face palming so hard. Why would she come after me? I mean, If your best friend jumped down a 50 block hole, would you do it?

Don't answer that.

I propped my self up with my arms and gave her a piece of my mind. Kind of.

"Nya, why would you do that??!!" I yelled at her.

She turned to me. "What? I didn't want to die alone."

"So, pretty much you jumped down a 50 block hole -in chance of dying- to not die out there?"

"Never mind."

I laid back onto the cold stone. "Well, how are we gonna get out of this one?"

"I don't know. It's kind of funny, we've been stuck in a whole like this before."

"Yeah. But that was not funny. You broke your arm and I broke my ankle. Right now, we would be lucky if we broke our backs, compared to those mutant creatures back there."

She stood up, and walked around, feeling the walls. "What are you doing?" I said as I sat up. "I'm checking for buttons, pressure plates, secret doors, anything to get us out of here." She said.

"Good Thinking." I got up all the way and helped her search.


"Nya, it's been almost an hour. And we are walking in circles. Nothing's here."

I backed up, to look at the opposite side of the hole and stepped on....of course.....a pressure plate.


"Ok. Something is seriously messed up." I whispered.

A double chest appeared in the middle of the floor. I started walking toward it but Nya held me back by saying, "It might be trap." I shook my head and went for the chest. I opened it to see Another bow with so many enchantments on it it could enchant another item with just itself. Next to it was a stack of arrows and something beautiful. It was a Lapis lazuli bow. It's arrows Hurts way more than regular arrows. I have always wanted one.

I motioned Nya over to the chest and she seemed pretty happy. "Thank Notch. Mine was getting low on durability." She took her stack of arrows and I took mine, and then picked up the lapis bow. It was so shiny!

"I wonder who set this up." Nya said.

"Someone with good sense. That new I only carried Lapis tools. Wait. There's only a few people who know that."

Nya nodded her head. The hole opening was getting darker. It was becoming night.

"Better sleep here for the night. We can find a way up in the morning." Nya said.

"Ok. No spiders better jump down though."

She kneeled down on the floor and then laid out fully. "Good night, Amber."

"Good Night."


Good Chapter? Stay tuned and don't forget to vote and follow. 😊


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