Chapter 7- SE Madness

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Chapter 7- SE Madness

"We good?" I asked Ashley and Nya.

'We good." Nya replied., while looking out the window. "Well, maybe. Mobs are spawning and I just realized we have no door." She sounded worried.

"There was a door when we got here. I distinctly remember opening it." I said.

"And I closed it." Ashley looked rebellious when she said that. (Sorry, I had no other way of explaining it)

"Maybe, we should hide...." I ran towards the first bathroom and motioned Nya and Ashley. Two zombies started coming through the doorway.

"Quickly!" I yelled as Nya and Ashley filed into the bathroom. I shut the Iron door and placed two wooden blocks in front of the door, and waited. Zombie growls filled the room that we were in. I put my finger to my lips telling My sister and my Best Friend to be quiet.

I heard skeletons, creepers, enderman, and even Witches. The room sounded so full of mobs, that I started to doubt getting out of the tiny, cramped up bathroom.

"What are we going to do?" Ashley asked me. "Wait till the morning." I answered her question. They both nodded and sat down on the wooden plank floor. I did the same, and fell instantly asleep.


"AMBER!!! NYA!!! WAKE THE HECK UP!" Ashley screamed.

I abruptly sat up and looked around. We were still in that bathroom.

"What's wro-" I stopped. I smelled smoke.

Nya woke up and smelled it too, grabbed her bow and started punching the wooden planks to let us out.

Once she got both of the wooden planks out of the way, she placed a pressure plate in front of the iron door and stepped on it. The room was empty- the monsters had either De-spawned, died, or just plain walked out of the house.

The village was on fire. Again. But not like flint and steel fire. Like, LAVA fire. Nya cursed under her breath. "Ok guys. Watch for the lava. Please." She said, aggravated.

We walked down the steps and dodged the lava on the ground. "People.....these......days.." Ashley said in between steps over the lava.

"Yeah, somebody was here last night. And I think I know who." Nya said.

"Sure.......Just hurry up and say it." Ashley said, turning around once she got through all the lava.

Why is she acting so dang weird? "Ashley, shut up. Don't be rude."

She rolled her eyes, turned back around and folded her arms. "Besides, I would be fine with out you guys." She muttered.

Ok. Why is she acting weird!? What happened her once Adam died?

"Exscuse me?!" I yelled and ran to her, missing all the lava. I grabbed her and swiveled her around, only to see something horrifying.

"Your- your eyes....." I gulped. When Nya finally caught up with us, she was in shock too.

"And, why are you looking at me like that!?"

"I said, your eyes." My teeth were clenching.

"Ashley your eyes are forking red!! What potion did you drink??"

"N-Nothing! I promise! I felt something splash on me, but I thought it was just the rain!"

I can't have my sister a wielder. I just can't.

"We need help." Nya told us.

I agreed. "Let's just hope you don't have an S-" I was cut off. By a voice coming from Ashley.

"ATTENTION!" A deeper, darker, scarier voice said. "Yes, she will indeed have an SE. But you will have to find out what it is on your own. I'm afraid that I do not know. But what I do know is, that your little sister is now a Wielder of mine!!!! I have heard of Adams death and I'm not really sorry. He betrayed me. Ha! Possibly now Ashley might even die because I made her a Wielder. Anyone of you can die, except of course, Amber."

"Wait, why can't I die? And How do you, Herobrine, take over my sisters voice?"

"Well, those are both very great questions, Amber. I shall answer them." I motioned him (but Ashley's body) to keep going.

"You simply can not die because of your glitch. Glitches that were made by Notch, and not me, have very -in my opinion- disgusting powers. You can't die. No matter what happens. Your glitch made Also, your SE. Notch created you for something important. Something special. I have yet to know what exactly it is, but it can be highly useful for me. Oh and I can easily control any of my Wielders voices."

"Hmm. Ok. But three more questions." I said.

"I'll answer them one by one."

"Number 1. Where is Lily?"

"Ah. I somehow knew you would ask that. I can't tell you. I've lost her track. But I do sense that she has almost died again."

"Number 2. Why aren't you killing me right now?"

"I need to give you answers, Amber. But also I'm only a voice, in a feeble 12 year old girls body. I couldn't hurt you."

"And Number 3. Where the heck are my parents you idiotic freak." I pulled my Lapis sword out. He laughed evily. And a bright light came out of Ashley.

There Herobrine was, floating in full body form. I lowered my sword and said, " lied to me!!"

"Oh Amber dear, of corse I lied to you." He put is cold finger on my chin and lifted it up. I slapped his hand. "Get off of me!!"

Nya pulled her bow back. She shot at Herobrine but the arrow went straight threw him.

After that, Ashley's eyes flickered back to purple and she fell to the ground. Light was shining out of her chest and it began to grow brighter. But once the light died down, she stood back up and put her hand up at me.

The house behind me started to shake. "Ashley? What the--" The house rose and hit Herobrine right in the stomach. But of course, it went through him.


IM SO SORRY THIS WAS SUCH A CRAPPY ENDING!! (To the chapter) I wanted to add more but people have been telling me to update.



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