Chapter 18~ Again?!! Really??!

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Chapter 18- AGAIN?!! REALLY??!
"Amber, sweetie. Wake up please." I stirred. "Amber..wake up." I opened my eyes. I was in my room. My very own room. Not that filthy oak plank scumbag room. MY OWN ROOM. And it was my mom staring back at me.
"What? Mom? You''re..alive!!" I screamed.
"Amber sweetie, what do you mean?"
I just stared back. This can't be a dream. It feels so real. "Where's Adam?" I asked.
"Uh, he's in the kitchen with dad..why?"
"Oh, nothing important.'re making breakfast in the kitchen..right?"
"Yep. Ooh. That reminds me." And she scurried off into the kitchen. I lay down on my bed. That was all a dream? But..It can't be. That felt so real. THIS feels so real. But suddenly, my walls began to dissolve into a pit of blackness. It was like computer code. It engulfed my door and window and half of my bed was already gone. The blackness was closing in on me, when I heard my mom calling from the kitchen.
"Amber! Amber.. Breakfast! Amber!" She kept yelling but her voice was fading. "Amber....Amber...Amber..Am-" The darkness had completely surrounded me. I couldn't move. My vision went blurry...But then my name calling sounded more and more closer. And closer. And even more closer...
"AMBER!! Amber! Amber wake up please! We have to go NOW! Amber...Amber!! Amber....Amber....."
My eyes flicked open, looking at the gray cloudy sky. Next to me was Zach shaking me vigorously. "Amber wake up! We can't hold on much longer!!" He screamed. I slowly sat up.
"Hmm? What..happened??" I asked, rubbing my head.
"Sammy happened. Once you got all sarcastic and playful with her she kicked you in the head. You blacked out. Nya and Ashley is just slicing the mobs in half. But they just keep coming! That's why we have to leave!! Now!!"
I tried to take that all in. "Where's Sammy? Oh, no. Better yet-where's Lily? Shouldn't she be out here too?" Zach shook his head. "No sign of her. But we need to move."
I finally stood up, to see that Zach was right. We HAD to leave now. We were being overpowered. It was just that simple.
"They apparently took you guys's S.E's," Zach explained. "Both Nya and Ashley lost control of each of their's. Well he didn't really take it away from them, but well I don't know. The last time Ashley tried to use hers a sword almost sliced her head right off! And then Nya tried. Flames erupted everywhere, from the ground. On top of trees, and even on the mobs! Most of the whole place is on fire now. That is one of the reasons why we have to get out of here now!!"
I nodded. "Ok." I assured him. I walked up to a pile of flames and raised my hand up to it.
"Amber, that won't wo-" I yelled in frustration. "GAHHHHHARRGGHH!!"
"I was trying to tell you that it wasn't going to to work." Zach told me. "He took them away and messed em up."
"But why??!" I screamed.
"Don't ask me!! I am as confused as you are!!"
Grr. I mean it did make sense, Herobrine was Herobrine.
"But he didn't even make my S.E!" I yelled. "Did he?"
"I- I don't know, Amber. Notch doesn't make them. So um yeah, Herobrine had too..."
"ARGGGHHHH!!" Nya and Ashley ran up behind me.

"Amber! Good, your awake! Now let's get out of here!" Nya screamed.

We all started running toward whatever wasn't Herobrine and his army. But we were stopped by a dead end. A water fall splashed over a large mountain and down onto large Boulder rocks below.
"We can't jump that!" Ashley told us. "We'd get impaled! By those boulders!" We all agreed. Except for Nya.

"Well what else are we going to do? Wait until we get impaled by their swords?? We have to jump off now! Or we don't have a chance."
"She's right." I said. "It's now or never."
"Um, I pic nev-"

"Ashley be quiet!" Nya yelled.

"Nya! Stop! That's my sister Your talking to!"

"Yeah. Right. I'm- I'm sorry. Really. I'm just stressed."

"Um guys? We gotta jump now or we are all gonna be killed in a few seconds.." Zach told us.

Zach was right. In exactly 4 seconds we would all be killed by Herobrines army of mobs and everything we did would never matter. We'd have to jump.

Everything went in slow motion. I whipped around--facing the waterfall and friends--grabbed Ashley's hand, who grabbed Nya's hand, who grabbed Zach's hand, and jumped from the cliff down to the rushing water.

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