Chapter 4- Secrets and Lies

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Chapter 4- Secrets and lies.

"Amber wake up!!!!" Nya screamed in my ear. I flipped over, only to see a bunch of mobs heading towards me. "What happened??!!" I said, snapping out of it and grabbing my sword and bow.

"I don't know!! I woke up and they started spawning everywhere!!"

Standing, I could see a lot of things I didn't see while laying down. There was a whole army of them, and creepers blew up some of the hole, so more could spawn.

"What are we gonna do??!!" I yelled.

"The same thing we did at the mind palace."

"And that is.....?"


But instead of running the opposite direction of the mobs, we ran right through them. Pushing through all of them was tough. Avoiding zombie bites and skellies' arrows was tougher. But making sure you weren't too close to the creepers so they wouldn't explode, was toughest. We finally made it to the ending, where there was a small staircase leading up. It was our only option. We jogged up the staircase, to find that it lead to the over world. We were out of that hole. Phew.

But one thing was wrong. The fields were deserted, and the cornucopia was empty.

"Um, what happened up here while we were trapped in that hole for a day?" I asked Nya.

"I.....don't know."

Some trees were on fire and potion flasks were spread out on the floor, empty. "We weren't in there that long...Were we?" I asked.

"Hmm. I'm not sure. But, no time for that- come on!" She grabbed my wrist and guided me through the woods.

"Where are you taking me?!" I yelled as we ran.

"WE are running away from that!" She stopped running and spun around, pointing at a gigantic skeleton with a gigantic enchanted bow. "Wait, how did that get there?!"

"I'm not sure- but there's no time!" She pulled my arm and we started running again.

"I'm so confused, Nya!!" she replied with a, "Same." and we both kept silent for the rest of the way.


She took me to a small clearing in the middle of the woods. "Where are we now Nya?!"

"We are at Clemens Clearing. It's supposed to be enchanted with protection spells and will only let in people with SE's."

"Aha!" I said, getting out of her grip and pointing at her. "I knew you didn't have to be a Wielder in order to have an SE!!!"

"Yeah? Well, that's not why you have an SE. You have one because your heterochromia is a glitch. Which makes other stuff a glitch too."

"How did you know that? I didn't." Her face turned bright red. She murmured to herself.


"I've said too much. Let's focus on the problems that we have now." She turned away.

She's keeping something from me. When we were kids, her face would turn red like that if she stole something from me. Or If she lied. Or if she knows something I don't, but I should know.

"We have to get to the mind palace." She said.

"What? We both nearly died there! I'm definitely not going back!" I put my hands in my hips.

"Well, we have too. Your prophecy and mine say so."

I have heard about a prophecy before. Probably something Lily mentioned. I didn't know it was true.

"How do you know my prophecy?" I blurted out.

"I- I will explain later. Ok?" Now things are getting really weird.

I heard footsteps. It was the skeleton. It didn't see us yet, but we had to go. Fast. We both looked at each other and nodded. We started running toward the darkest part of the woods.

"I can barely see anything!" I whispered to Nya.

I could tell that she nodded, and then picked something up. "What's that?"

"It's some kind of Key-" "WOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHA" We were flipped up into the air the minute she touched that key.

Nevermind that, we were surrounded by water and fire!! The 2 elements were colliding as it pushed us in the middle. Thank notch Lily wasn't here. We'd be dead. Water and electricity just do not mix. Let's just leave it at that.

But, did the games just end? I'm pretty sure no other tributes are coming after us. WAIT.



Geez Amber. Why did you forget Ashley??! So selfish. 😝

Also, I had to delete the "Not an update" chapter. It talked about my new book press play.

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