Chapter 5- DON'T DIE ON ME!

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Chapter 5- DON'T DIE ON ME!


'NYA. We have to go back!" I yelled. She sighed. And then she sounded like she was going to puke. After a few minutes, she said, "Adam or Ashley?"

"Wha- Both!" I felt light headed. Her fire was overpowering my water. Which was weird. Doesn't Water put out fire? Anyways, She nooded her head. Then Shook it.

"We can't go back. We are stuck in this typhoon of elements."

"But, she was one of the tribu-"

"Amber, forget it."

"Who are you?! Not my best friend Nya, I think. You would do something about it."

She ignored me.

A gate opened at the top of the element twister. It started sucking us in. I started struggling, but Nya jut told me to let it. Once we were sucked in, There was this bright light. No- not that bright light. It was powered by Glowstone and redstone.

I could make out a room with people in it, about our age. "Hello?!" I called out. "SHUT UP!" Nya hissed at me.

"Geez." I murmered under my breath. The bright light stopped shining. We fully appeared in the room but instead of Glowstone , it was brick.

The people there were shocked to find us standing there. "Um, Hi." Nya said. "I'm Angela and this Taylor." I stared at her. What was she doing? I decided to go along with it. I waved. "Hi."

The tallest one came up to us. "Hello, Angela. Taylor. What brings you to appear in our meeting room?" He said, suspiciously.

Nya scratched the back of her head and then nudged me with her elbow. "Ow." I whispered.

"Oh, we partners with Herobrine, and Lily Torchwood. We are here to get...stuff." I said.

"What kind of stuff?" The one with the red haired girl asked.

"Files! We are here for Files!" I blurted out.

What? I have a glitch. I do things that I can't control sometimes.

"Ah. Files. You, Angela. Go collect them. We would like to keep Taylor here for...a few minutes." The one that came up to us, said.

"Who's Taylor?" I said. The group that was our age laughed. Nya gave me a look. "I mean, uh, I'm taylor. Duh." I fake chuckled.

"Now, shoo shoo Angela." The tall one said. I gave Nya a worried expression. She shook her head. We'll be fine. I hope.


2 minutes after Nya left, The tall one sat me down in an empty seat.

"I'm Peter. And, this is Jamie." He pointed to the red head girl. "I'm Laney." (Pronounced Lain-ee) Said a girl with pure blonde hair.

'I'm Josh."

"I'm Kyle."




The name "Zach" caught my attention. I looked up, but this Zach had black hair. Dang it.

"And, we are Herobrine's Helpers." Peter said. My eyes narrowed.

"Let me guess, H.H, right?" I said.

"Yup." Laney said.

This is too weird. I need to tell Nya. I need to mind message her.

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