Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jeff starts to speak. " you know you probaly don't feel this but I feel that I know you." That's it... that's exactly what I feel. " I think you were the girl who stopped me from killing you. If you are, you were the only one to do that. I only stopped because of how incredibly cute your are and one other reason. I didn't kill you today for the same reason. After you stopped me , you lowered me on top of you and I said that I could kill you if I really wanted but you can't just let me kill you with out saying something nice. I didn't get why but I let you."

My mother always said be nice to the people who hate you it may stop them from their next action. It didn't always work, but I knew it worked with the crazies.

"You said I was incredibly cute and handsome. I couldn't control myself back then, so I leaned in and kissed you. I came back every day for the next three weeks. Basically we talked every night. We were kinda dating. Then I had to leave back to the underworld. You probably don't believe me."

I remember now. Why couldn't I remember that before but once he told me I remember everything. "I-I Beleive you, but I don't get why I don't remember till now." Jeff started to explain.

" my master had to erase your memory of me. I pleaded for him not to but it was too late. I cried for days! I missed you so much. I used to want you back, and now I'm lying right next to you." He turns towards my face. We are inches apart. He leans in to kiss me. I don't stop him. We have done it before so why does it matter. I felt his lips on mine. He slides his hand on my back. I do the same to him. We pull away. He runs his hand through my hair. I stare at him.

" I forgot to say this the last time, but I love you." Said jeff. I lean in to kiss him. It's hard for me to say it back. He runs his hand up my back and unhooks my bra. I come out of the kiss. " jeff , your really sweet but I'm not ready for it yet." He stops and says "okay I'm sorry I started to." He wraps his right arm against me. I inch closer to him. I lay my head on his shoulder. I whispered " I love you to." But he was fast asleep.

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