Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

(Jeff pov)

*30 minutes later*

"Honey! I'm home!" Yelled lucid. I awoke. "Gesh! Lucid do you have to be so loud!" I said while pulling the couch pillow over my head. Lucid runs over to the couch with her eyes glowing red. She threw the pillow off the couch. Making me turn to her quickly. "What did you just say boy!" She yelled in my face. "Nothing!" I said fast and scared. Yes, even I can get scared. Expessly of her.

"Ben why is jeff here?" She said turning away from the couch walking towards the window that looks from the kictien towards the living room. "Remeber sweetie, he moved in 9 months ago because of his condition." Said Ben almost angerly.

I seriously don't get how he puts up with her, but then again sometimes she can be nice. Her and I almost have a brother and sister relationship.

"Oh yea," she turns towards me again. "So how have you been lately?" She asked consernlily. "Better I guess. But Ben keeps on saying he has a surprise for me and it will come in two weeks, so that helps keep my mind off her.." Her ... Alice... My love... One I might never see again....

"That good, oh yea that reminds me. Ben I completed your job for you!" She yelled. "Which one?" He yelled back. They are a very loud couple, aren't they? I would hate to be here when they get into fights.

"The one that you had to do two weeks from now." She shouts as she plops into the recliner diagonal from me while lighting a cigar. Ben comes running out of the kicten wearing a kiss the cook and a oven mit on his right hand.

Sometimes I could kill that man. Does he even know what he wears at times? "Where is she?" Ben asks lucid acting like I didn't hear it. This made me curious. "Where's who?" I ask while sitting up showing that I'm joining this conversation.

Ben turned towards me looking dumbfounded. He mumbled "ali-- wal--" "what did you say?" It almost sounded like .. No it can't be.

"This Alice walker chic. She said she knew you, and she seemed pretty " happy to come here." Lucid said while Ben was tring to make her shut up. "Really!? Is she here?! Right now? Where is she? Tell me now!" I say as jumping off the couch. "Well someone is excited. And where else would I put a guest? Huh think. Idiot she is in the guest room sleeping. So don't go waki--." I ran as fast as I could towards my room. The guest room is actally my room. Lucid still doesn't want to believe I live her.

I open the door slowly. She was lying on my bed asleep. There she was. My love was right there sleeping happily in my room I couldn't be more happy. I haven't felt this in awile.

Her long blonde hair was spread out on my bed. She was stilling wearing my black shirt that I have her that day.

*flash back*

I came out of the closet to find Alice standing in her bra and shorts looking out the window at her shirts. I chuckled enturnly. Those shirts was my act to get Alice in her bra.

She looked cold and disappointed. I needed to do something. Before I could do anything Alice yelled at me. "At least give me your shirt!" I grabbed my shirt off the ground without her noticing and threw it at her. "Fine!"

*flash back end*

I pull up and computer chair next to my bed and flip it around. I stare at her beautiful porcelain face waiting for her to awaken.

(Alice pov)

"Jeff come on hurry up." I said excitedly. We are on our frist date! I'm so happy. "I'm coming, I'm coming! maybe if you wernt running like a kid in a candy store I could catch up!" He yelled. "Sorry." I slowed down

In the distance there was a well. I decided I didn't want to go towards it but my body was almost being pulled. I make it to the well. I look down, it was dark and scary. Darkness loomed around it.

"Jeff! Come here." I yelled. "Jeff ain't going to help you!" Said a mysterious voice. I turn around and there stood, a tall dark creature with red eyes. He inches towards me. I back up to the well.

When he went in to grab me, I backed up to far and fell in the well. Darkness surrounded me. "Jeff!! Help!" I yelled as loud as I could. I see his hand reaching for me. "Alice!" He yelled. I screamed

I woke up to jeff shaking me. "Alice! Alice wake up! Stop screaming Alice!" He was crying. I didn't know why. "Jeff, stop I'm awake." He stops and lays me down. I cough. "Sorry, it's just you were screaming. I figured you were having a nightmare so I tired to wake you." Said jeff.

"Thanks," I cough again. "I don't feel so hot." I said. "Are you sick, I'm surly Slendy can help you." Said a boy with long blonde hair. He was wearing a green hat and his eyes glowed red.

"Ahh! Who are you!? Don't hurt me!" I yelled. "Where am I? Jeff?" That man was creepy. He was holding a knife in his left hand. I scream! "It's okay Alice, it's just Ben." Jeff said reassuring me he is okay.

I sit up, and get a glance around the room. There was black everywhere, and very few decorations. "Where am I?" I asked turning to jeff. Lucid turns and makes a face. "But, lucid said you knew... LUCID!" Tears form in my eyes. It really Jeff in front of me right now. "It's really you." I lean into Jeff's computer chair and wrap my arms around it and him. Jeff hugged back for a second and turns back to his conversation.

Ben and jeff turns toward lucid who is standing in the door way of the room. "What did you do to her!?" Jeff yelled at lucid. "I um, sorta, maybe, kinda knocked her out." Lucid said while turning away.

"Lucid now why would you do that!?" Ben yelled. Lucid turned back around. "Well I didn't knock her out! My spirts did.." Ben sighed. "Lucid that's the same thing as you knocking her out.." Ben facepalmed and looked back up a lucid. "Did you at least grab her stuff?" Ben asked like lucid was stupid.

"Yea I did, until she got really heavy and I left it somewhere, but I kept this." Lucid pulls out my stuffed dog from my child hood. "My stuff dog smile?" I asked. What the heck I left that thing at my friends when I was 5.

"So you managed to grab her dog but not nothing else. Nice, lucid." Said jeff. "Shut up jeff! I did feel bad so I made this dog be alive." Said lucid.

"What do you mean alive, lucid?" Ben asked being concernly. Oh god. What did she do to smile? All of a sudden. My stuffy started to glow. It almost started flipping out. It start to bark and move in a circle. It looked like the exorcist.

Ben looked genuinely scared. Jeff put his arm out in front of me to protect me. The stuffed animal finally stopped I only could imagine my face at this moment. Standing before me is a red husky with a huge smile across his face.

Smile jumped up on The bed. I inch towards jeff. This thing is scary. Is there anything normal in this place? The dog was inching toward me. I couldn't handle it. I screamed and my vison went black.

(Jeff pov)

"Ben! Why did you hit her with the frying pan?!" I said. "Because jeff I don't need a annoying girl screaming over a dog!" Ben yelled. "What did you say? Did you just call her annoying?!" I said angrily. "Yes jeff! I did! She screams every 5 minutes!"

"Ya.. you gotta a point, but wouldn't you If you didn't know about anything and woke up in a mysterious place?" Said jeff. "Whatever. Just don't make out with her to much when she gets up." Said Ben while walking out the door.

I pulled the computer chair back up to the bed. "Alice, why do you have to be scared? Are we really that scary?" I sighed. Why can't she just know us? And we don't have to go through the interductions. She is going to flip when she sees Slendy.

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