Chapter 1

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Another school year has come, senior year. This year I had two regular classes, and the rest were music classes. I decided to take one more band class, and a guitar class. You're probably wondering about Shawn. Well we're closer then ever. We talk everyday, if there's a day I don't, my mood just turns upside down. His voice is my happiness. It's been a couple of weeks since I last saw him but, I'll see him again, at my first Magcon next week. Bart flew in a couple days ago and we had a "meeting" with me signing all sorts of papers, and actually last night, we announced that I'm now offically apart of  the Magcon tour. It was the best feeling ever to see all these fans getting excited to see me. To actaully pay money to see me. That's the wildest feeling ever. We're all going to San Diego next week, and I've never been so excited. But, first I have to get through 2 dreading weeks of the new school year. Tomorrrow is actually the first day. I woke up in the morning and went downstairs to see my mother sitting down on the kitchen table. She was reading the newspaper, and when she heard my footsteps, she put it down and looked at me. "Good morning." she said to me. "Morning, mom." "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I sighed. "Not really, I still need to stop by a few stores today." "I want to come, I'll take you to jersey." "Really? Thanks mom." I loved loved loved the New Jersey malls, because they are huge malls which a bunch more stores, and I wouldn't see any people from my school. It was like a shopping escape. "No problem honey, go get ready we'll leave soon." I got a granola bar from one of the kitchen cabinets and ran upstairs. I took a shower and got ready. I left my hair natural and put on my makeup. I put on a pair of dark jean high waisted shorts and a grey shirt that I tucked into my shorts. I put on my black vans and sat on my bed, opening my laptop and eating my granola bar. I went onto twitter and replied and followed back some of my fans and I then I heard my mom yelling to come downstairs. I closed my computer, and grabbed my purse and my phone. I pressed my home button, and I had a text from Nash. It read: "Hey Sandy, I miss you and I'm sooo happy that your on the tour now." Aw that was sweet. I ran downstairs and went to my mom's car. I sat in the passenger seat, and my mom came in the drivers seat. We started driving and I answered Nash back. "Thanks I can't wait to see you!" And he wrote back with the red heart emoji, which was weird. But whatever, we're only friends. I looked at the time and it was 11:30, and I didn't get a good morning text from Shawn. He sent me one everyday ever since I left him in Canada. "No good morning text?" I texted him. "Hey babe, I'm sorry good morning, I just had a crazy morning." "What happened?" "Well, after our phone call, I couldn't fall asleep until like 5am, and then I woke up throwing up, and my mom just told me to go back to sleep." "Oh, are you okay, are you sick?" "I think I have like a stomach bug or something." "Alright, feel better, go back to sleep, I don't want you to be sick." "Haha, I will, thanks I love you." "I love you too."

After about an hour, we finally got to the mall. I went into my favorite stores, Pink, Garage, Zumiez, Urban Outfitters, and American Apparel. I got an outfit for the first couple days of school, and for the two days of Magcon next week. After coming out of Urban, these two girls came up to me. "Are you Sandra?" One of the girls said, in a shakey voice. "Haha, yes. It's nice to meet you guys!" "You too, can we have a picture?" The other girl said. "Of course!" I took a picture with both of the girls and actually signed one of their phones'. "What are you doing here in Jersey, don't you live in New York?" "Yeah, but the Jersey malls are waay better." They laughed. "So, are you guys going to magcon nj?" I asked them. "Yeah, we bought VIP tickets and everything, we're shopping for our outfits now." "Me too, I have San Diego next week." "Wow, your're so lucky, you legit have the perfect life." One of the girls said. "Aw, thank you, what are your twitters I wanna follow you." These girls were being extremely nice, so that's the least I could do for them. I followed them both, and they had the brightest smiles on their faces. "Thanks guys, I loved meeting you! See ya soon at Magcon!" I said. They both said bye and I went looking for my mom, who was in Macys. I've gotten a number of looks from a bunch of people, and that's something I have to get used to. I saw my mom at the cash register so I stood there waiting for her. She finished and she walked towards me. "I think I'm done." I said. She looked down at my 7 shopping bags and she said "Yeah, you're done." We both laughed and went outside to the parking lot to our car. I put my bags in the back and went to go sit on the front. After about 15 minutes of driving, Avery texts me. "Frozen yogurt date?" Fro-yo was our new thing that we were literally obsessed with. "Yes of course, lemme get home, mama took me jersey shopping." I replied back to her. "Oooo, nice, ight just call me when you get home." 

I walked to Avery's house after I got home. I put my bags on my bedroom floor and called her. She came out with sunglasses on, looking like a total celebrity. "Haha, let's go princess Avery." She laughed at me and we started walking since the place wasn't far. When we got there, we got our yogurt and sat down. "So are you ready for your first day of senior year?" she asked me. "I guess, I'm excited that it's our last year though." "I know, but I'm sad, we're going to different colleges and we won't see each other anymore." "I know Ave, it's gonna suck, but I promise we'll still stay close together, I'll let you come on a few magcons with me." I said. "Speaking of magcon, it's next week, are you nervous?" "Extermely, but I'm so excited you don't even know. How's matt?" "We're still talking which is actually a bit shocking." "Aw haha, good." We finished up our yogurt and walked back home. "Be up tomorrow, bright and early at 7, I'll pick you up at 8." I said to Avery, who loves to sleep, and is almost impossible to get her up. "Ugh not looking forward." she said while walking into her house. I walked inside of my house and saw that my mom made dinner. I ate and then went upstairs to get ready for tomorrow. I put all my new clothes away, and picked my first outfit for tomorrow. I packed my new school bag which was basically a crossbody tote, with notebooks and pens. I jumped on my bed and went on my phone. I saw that Shawn texted me a few hours ago, and I didn't even realize. I called him and he talked for hours as usual. "It's getting pretty late, it's your first day tomorrow." he said. "I know, don't remind me." "You'll be fine, I promise, and if something happens, call me, I'll see you next week my love." "Thanks Shawn I love you." "I love you more, good luck." I actually looked at the time and it was 12:30. Ooops. I put on my pjs went to the bathroom. I took off my makeup, put my hair in a bun, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I crawled into bed again and fell asleep instantly.

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. It was way too early. I grabbed my phone and shut the alarm off. I came out of bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower to wake me up. Then, I did my makeup and did my hair. I blow dried it and curled it loosely, making it turn out like waves. I put on my brand new outfit, a pair of light denim distressed shorts and a black aztec patterned shirt. I put on a pair of black sandals and checked myslef out in the mirror once more. I got my school bag and went downstairs. My mom had already gone to work, so I just made myself a bowl of cereal. She left me some money for lunch which I put in my bag.  I heard the doorbell rang. Could it be Avery? I opened the door and it was her. "Wow, you're here early." I said to her. "Yeah, yeah, can we just go and get this day over with?" "Please." I said. We went out to my car and drove to school. The drive was silent because we were just so tired. When we got to school, I parked my car and we walked in. My heart sank when everybody looked at us, or me. It was legit like a scene from a movie. I got smiles, yeah, mostly smiles, but then I got dirty looks. School was gonna be worse then I thought. 

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