Chapter 9

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I woke up bright and early 8 AM. So I basically got four hours of sleep. It's so weird the later I go to sleep earlier I wake up. But, Shawn was still sleeping and I know that he will be sleeping for a while. I decided to still lay I'm bed with him and just go on my phone. I wanted to say sorry to that girl who gave me the collage. I went on twitter, typed in my name, which by the way was still on my hand, and dmed her. I wrote: "Hey, thanks for coming! I'm really sorry about what happened, I was just really emotional about the whole Shawn thing. We're back together, so don't feel bad, I love it(:" I got up and went to Mahogany's room to get my luggage. I knocked on the door and she came to opne it for me. "Good morning!" I said. "Morning!" She let me in and shut the door behind me. "Thanks for letting me stay here." I said while gathering my stuff. "No problem, anything for a best friend." I smiled at her and went back to my room, with my suitcase and bags. I set it all down and went inside of my suitcase to get todays outfit. I pulled out a floral skirt, black flip flops and a black bandeau, along with a bathing suit. I went in the bathroom to shower and get ready. I put on my clothes, let my hair natural to dry, and just put on mascara. I came out of the bathroom, and I saw Shawn getting ready. He had his swim bottoms on, vans, and a tank top. He turned around and looked at me. I smiled to him and ran up to him. He grabbed my waist and I put my hands on his face to kiss him. "I'm excited for today." I said. "Me too." I went to go get my phone and sunglasses and then we left. No one was ready yet, so we decided to go downstairs to go get some breakfast. We had our sunglasses on the entire time, we people knew that we didn't want to  be recognized. I just ate a bagel with juice and we waited for everybody else to come downstairs. "I'm glad you're here." said Shawn. I turned my head to look at him. "Me too. When's the next magcon?" "Haha, I don't know, ya miss me already?" "Yes" I said, with a sad puppy dog face. He laughed and continued to eat. Then we saw everybody else come to us. "Woah we definitely didn't recognize you guys." said Matt, sarcasticly. I punched him in his side, jokingly and they all went to go get food. I finished eating, so I went on my phone. I saw that the girl had dmed me back. "Hey, thank you so much! I'm so lucky I got to meet you, you're the sweetest!" Aw, good, she was accepting. I replied to some fans, which I loved doing, because I could see their reaction after. Everyone was asking me if Shawn and I are still fighting. I tweeted: "You guys are all my best friends, and deserve to know everything. Yes, Shawn and I are back together (:" I looked up at Shawn, who looked down at his phone to see that I mentioned him in the tweet. He smiled and put his phone back down. I could see he had a bit of exictment in his eyes. When everybody finished eating, we all walked down to the beach. I was walking with Taylor and Jack J and Shawn was walking in front. It suddenly felt like deja vu, like I've been on this exact same street before. We were all crossing the street, and I remembered, this was my nightmare about Shawn getting hit by a car. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm. A car in the front passed us. Shawn looked at me like I had some sort of magical powers. I saved him.

"Woah!" said Cam, and I looked back to see everyone in astonishment. "I guess I have a sixth sense." I said, while shurging my shoulders. When the crosswalk turned green, we all crossed and Shawn held my hand. "So my girlfriend is beautiful, musically gifted and can pridect the future?" I laughed. "Shawn, that was the nightmare I had, when we got into that fight, you got hit by a car and I thought I lost you. That's why I came to you in the middle of the night." "Ohhhhhh. Still, you could be a fortune teller." "Haha." We got to the beach, and we saw a bunch of girls waiting for us. I don't even know how they knew we were coming, Carter probably tweeted. Haha.

We spent our time at the beach mostly with our fans. I mean they're the reason we're here. Everybody was so nice and sweet and I loved all of my fans. They loved when I followed them on twitter, so I would do frequent follow spree, just as a thank you. Anyways, we stayed at the beach for a good 4 hours with fans. After, we just all walked back to the hotel and decided on what we were gonna do next. We all sat in this lounge room on the first floor. I basically crashed onto the couch, and so did everyone else. "Well, its 5:30, so we can't really go anywhere." said Matt. "Should we just get ready for dinner?" said Aaron. Everyone agreed. "Alright, everyone be ready by 7." said Nash. The boys raced each other upstairs, but Shawn and I still stayed in the lounge room. I was on my phone, looking at tweets and such. My body was across the couch, and my feet were on Shawn's lap. "Should we go?" he said. "A couple more minutes, I like it down here, it's peaceful." He laughed at me and continued to scroll down on his phone. 10, 15 minutes passed by, and I was still relaxing on the couch. "Okay couch potato, lets go." said Shawn. He got up and pulled my legs. "Ughhh." I said, not wanting to get up. Shawn was waiting for me and I just got up. He put his arm around me and hugged me. "It's our last dinner." He said. "I know, don't make me sad." I said. We went upstairs and I went to go shower first. Then, Shawn went. I curled my hair and did my makeup. I walked over to my suitcase, indecisive of what to wear. "Shawn, what should I wear?" I said, while rumaging through my suitcase full of clothes. He walked over to me. "Anything babe, you look beautiful in anything." He put his arms around my body and hugged me from behind. "Now, the real question is, what do I wear?" he said. I laughed and pulled out a flannel and khaki shorts. "Here." I said while giving the clothes to him. I went back over to my suitcase and just got anything. I put on a dressy white off the shoulder shirt, and a pair of dark purple high waisted shorts. I put it on with a pair of black flower sandals. "See. I told you, you look beautiful in anything." Shawn said while I looked in the mirror. It was 7, and it was time to go. We came out of our hotel room and saw everybody standing in the hallway. We went downstairs and we ate at Applebees. It was such a fun time, and it passed by so quickly. Our waitress recognized us and took a picture with us. We took a lot of vines and funny pictures. I posted a selfie of me, Mahogany and Matt on Instagram. We ate our food and paid and everything. Shawn and Nash went outside early, Shawn said that there were fans waiting to take pictures with him. After like 10 minutes, the rest of us left. "Wait." said Jack J to me, and stopping me. "What, what happened?" I said. He looked at the other Jack who nodded at him and said "Nothing." Weird. Everyone went outside, and I was the last one. I saw lights. Everybody suddenly disappeared and it was just me. I looked down at the floor, and there was a bunch of candles spelling out "Prom?" I was suprised and Shawn came out of nowhere and walked over to me. "I know it's kinda early, but, will you go to prom with me?" He took my hands. "Yes, of course!" I said and hugged him. Everyone else appeared and started cheering. There was a bunch of fans too. I kissed Shawn and let go. The guys went to go blow out the candles. This night was the best night, I loved it, and I didn't want it to end. Now, I'm finally gonna have my dream of going to prom with Shawn.

We all walked back to our hotel rooms and Shawn carried me halfway to ours. We got in the room, and he dropped me on top of our bed and then came on top of me. He reached for the first kiss, and aha I think you know what happened next. Not going into full detail, but it was our fourth time and it was the best. After, I just fell asleep in Shawn's arms. This night was perfect. Every night was perfect with Shawn.

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