Chapter 4

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When we walked inside the park, I had breathed in that seawater smell. We were all walking towards admissions, and everyone had sunglasses in, so it would be hard for fans to recognize us. Even though they would probably still know who we were. Mine and Shawn's hands interlocked, but parted because of Cam running right through us. After we all got tickets and our bracelets, Carter Matt and Nash all ran to the first roller coaster, the string ray. "Are you guys coming?" Nash asked the rest of us. "You wanna go?" Shawn asked me. "Of course I love roller coasters!" I ran to where Matt and Carter were standing and Shawn walked behind me. The others came and I ran to the beginning of the line with Matt. There was no line actaully. The others caught up and we went to the seats. "Shawn." I said while looking for him. He came up behind me and I smiled. "Come." he said while taking my hand. We walked towards the seats and I sat down on the end. "No, I'll sit there, sit next to me." It was so cute how protective we was. We sat down and the ride employees came to put down that thing that goes over your chest and body so you dont fall out. The ride started and I grabbed Shawn's hand. We were going up and up and up and then the drop. I screamed so loud and Shawn squeezed my hand. I looked at him and he was laughing. After the ride was over, Nash came up to me. "Are you alright?" "Haha, yeah." I guess I looked scared. We all went to go check out the pictures that they took during the ride. In my row, it was Matt, Carter, Jack J, me and then Shawn. Literally, the funniest picture ever. Then we went on more rides and more. We met a lot of fans actaully and I guess that someone tweeted it out and a lot of girls came. Security came because the guys were literally being attacked by girls. It's so hard to watch because we just wanted to have a chill day without getting attacked on. The fans were being really nice though, I took a bunch of pictures with them. We unfortunatley had to leave pretty early because they were excedding the amount of people in the park. It's crazy how 11 people can shut down the entire SeaWorld. All of us were bummed and went back to the hotel. Shawn and I went back to our room and I fell right on the bed. I sighed. "So what do we do now?" "Everything we built we broke." Shawn sang. I laughed because that's lyrics from jack and jacks song. "Ummm, I don't know wanna go down to the pool?" "Sure." I went to my suitcase and grabbed my bathing suit. I put it on and grabbed my sunglasses and put them on my head. "Ready?" I asked Shawn. He was in the bathroom fixing his hair. "Come on, it's gonna get wet anyways." Shawn laughed and we went downstairs and outside to the pool. Shawn sat by two poolside chairs and I went to go get towels. When I came back Shawn was already in the pool. "Come on in babe, it's nice." I went in the pool and it felt so relaxing. Shawn splashed me and my entire head got wet which I was avoiding. I splashed him back and we ended up having a water fight. After I splashed him once more, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. He kissed me and then splashed me. I knew it haha, he made me fall for it. We stayed in there for about half an hour. "Should we go? It's getting late and we probably have to get ready for dinner." Shawn said. "Yeah my fingers are getting pruny." "Alright let's go you prune." We got out and dried off with our towels. We went back up to our room and we saw Aaron and Matt standing in front. "Why hello it's nice of you to show up." said Matt. "We were at the pool without any phones Matty." I said. "What's up?" "We're going out to dinner in an hour." "Okay." I said back. They moved out of the way and let us in. "Go shower first." Shawn said. I quickly jumped in the shower and then Shawn did. I got ready. I curled my hair, did my makeup, and put on my outfit. I wore a black crop top with a tropical floral pencil skirt and nude heels. "What should I wear?" Shawn asked me. I went over to his suitcase and pulled out a fancy blue shirt and a pair of jeans. "Thank you my little stylist." He said while taking the clothes from me and kissing my forehead. I smiled at him and finished getting ready. I got my clutch out and put my things in it. My phone, chapstick, eyeliner, money. We got a knock on the door and Shawn went to go open it. It was Nash. "Yo let's go we're all leaving." Shawn and I walked out of our room and into the hallway where everyone was standing. "Woah you look nice." said Nash to me. "I know right." said Shawn, getting jealous. I grabbed his hand and smiled up at him. "So are we going?" I said to break the awkward silence. "Yeah, let's go." said Matt. Everyone went downstairs to the lobby and outside. The restaurant we were going to was across the street so we walked there. Of course, a couple of fans stopped us and we had to take pictures with them. I loved loved loved meetings fans but, sometimes its just annoying. When we got to the restaurant, I sat down next to Shawn and Mahogany. It was like our first family dinner, it was cute. Of course, we had to make a toast to San Diego Magcon. "And a toast to Sandra, welcome to the fam." said Cameron, lifting his glass up. Shawn put his hand on my thigh underneath the table and smiled at me. I lifted my glass up and so did everybody else. It was funny cause we were acting like adults. After we ate, we all went outside to take a group picture. First we took a nice, smiley one and then we took a funny one. Shawn picked me up, bridal style and all the boys were just being themselves. "Definitly posting that one." said Shawn, while putting me down and grabbing my waist. "But I wanted to." I said with a sad face. "Won't it be cuter if the boyfriend does it?" "True, true." Shawn pulled me into his chest and kissed me. "Let's go guys, we gotta move." said Matt. He pushed us to walk and Shawn took my hand and we started walking behind everyone else. We got to the hotel and there were fans waiting for us. Nash, Taylor, Carter, and the Jacks kept walking and went upstairs, while Me, Shawn, Cameron, Aaron, Matt, and Mahogany stayed behind to meet some fans. This one girl came up to Shawn and I. "Hey, love you both can I get a picture?" "Yeah of course." I said. I went to go get the girl's phone and she said "No, I want both of you in it." I was suprised, no one ever wants a picture with Shawn and I both. We took the picture with the girl, and she thanked us and walked away. I looked at Shawn weirdly and he just shrugged. We took some more pictures and then we went upstairs because it was getting pretty late. "Sorry guys we gotta go, love you all and see you tomorrow." said Aaron. We all took the elevator up to our floor. "Goodnight guys." I said to Mahogany, Matt and Aaron. Shawn and I walked into our hotel room and I automatically changed into my pajamas. I stood next to the bed and went on my phone to check my social stuff. I saw that Shawn posted the funny group picture and I smiled. A long pair of muscled arms wrapped around me and their fingers locked at my stomach. He put his hand on my shoulder and swayed me. I threw my phone on the bed and put my hands on his arms. "I love your baby hands." he said to me right in my ear. I looked at my hands and said "I don't have baby hands." "Yes you do." He took my right hand and kissed it. Then twirled me around to face him. He hugged me into his chest and I smelt his cologne, which I loved and it always reminded me of him. "Let's go to bed, we have a big day tomorrow." he said. "Okay." I crawled into bed and he did too. He put his arms around me and I fell asleep right then.

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