Chapter 3

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Still in Shawn's arms, I heard everybody 'awwing'. Shawn made a look to the guys and grabbed my hand and led my outside of the hotel room. He shut the door behind us and leaned on the wall right next to me. "I've missed you." "Me too." I said looking in his eyes. "Can't wait to spend this weekend with you." he said, while taking my arms and pulling me into him. He kissed me, and then we heard the door open. I looked and it was Taylor. "Sorry guys, didn't mean to ruin the moment, but you gotta come inside, we're planning stuff." "What stuff?" I said and looked back at Shawn. "You'll see, newcomer." he said. I laughed and hit his arm jokingly. We went back into the hotel room and they were all sitting waiting for us. "Are y'all done making out?" said Nash. I rolled my eyes sacastically. "Yeap." Shawn said while putting his arm around me. I smiled at him and then we sat down on the floor. "Okay, so what are we doing tomorrow?" said Aaron. "Shouldn't we wait for Mahogony? Where is she?" said Cam. At that moment, she walked in, it was ironic. "Woah that was weird." said Jack G. "What?" she said. "Nothing, nothing." he said. They all went to greet her and then she got to me. "Sandra! It's so nice to finally meet you!" She said and hugged me. "You too! I'm so excited." I said. "Me too, at least now I'm not the only girl on Magcon." I laughed and the guys went back to where they were sitting before. I sat down next to Shawn again and then Mahogany sat down next to me. She was very pretty, with her red curly hair. This was my first time meeting her, because she wasn't at Magcon nyc. I could tell, we were gonna become good friends. "Loxfox, we need your help." said Cam. "With what?" she said. "We don't know what to do tomorrow, what's around here?" "Well, there's a SeaWorld." "Oooohhh, I like that." said Taylor. "Me too." said Nash. "I'm fit." said Shawn, with his deep voice. "I guess we're going there." "Sounds good, but I also wanna go to the beach, I needa get a tan." said Jack G while looking at his arms. I laughed along with Mahogany. "But you're already tan." Mahogany said. Jack shrugged his shoulders and smiled at us. "Sandra!" Jack J screamed. I jumped a little because he scared me. "What?!" I screamed back. "Why are you so quiet?" "I'm not, I just don't have anything to say." "Mhm." he said back. "Oh yes, Sandy welcome to the family!" said Cam. "Thank you guys, I'm very fortunate and yeah I love all of you. "I love you too Sanssssss!" said Carter. I laughed and then I looked at Shawn. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my head. "What time is it? I'm getting tired." he said. "Well, It's 11 here, but 2am back home." said Matt. "Let's go to bed." Shawn said to me. "Okay." We stood up and said good night to everybody. "Good night." said Taylor while winking at us. "Have fun." said Matt. "Ugh, you guys are so dirty." I said back to them. My luggage was still outside and Shawn took my guitar and my suitcase and carried it to our room. I walked into the room and there was a huge king bed in the middle. The room was pretty small because of it. I put my stuff down and collapsed on the bed. "Finally." Shawn whispered. He jumped on the bed, right next to me. He put his hand on my waist and turned me so I would be facing him. Then, I sat up and went on top of him. I leaned in to kiss him first and then we starting making out blah blah blah. I've missed him and his lips so much.

I randomly woke up on the floor with Shawn next to me. I don't remember going to sleep on the floor, I guess I fell? Shawn was still sleeping, so I softly got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I looked like a mess, with makeup all over my hair and my greasy hair. I went straight to the shower because I could not stand being dirty. After, I just did my makeup and let my hair to dry natural. I came out of the bathroom, and Shawn was still sleeping. I opened my suitcase and looked for an outfit for today. We're going to SeaWorld, so I need something comfertable. I found a pair of red shorts and paired it with a black and white striped crop top and my black vans. I got dressed and went to plug my phone in to charge. I had nothing else to do, so I texted Mahogany if she was up. "Hey girl, yeah I'm up, come to Matt's room." she texted me back. I quietly opened and closed the door and walked down the hall to Matt's room. I knocked on the door and Matt opened it for me. "Hey." I said while walking in. I saw Mahogany and Aaron sitting on the bed. "Hey guys." I said. "Heyyy. "Shawn's still sleeping, and I got all ready and stuff so I was bored." "It's all good, we're going to get some breakfast. Wanna come?" asked Mahogany. "Sure." We all took the elevator down to the lobby and then walked to the breakfast room to see a whole breakfast buffet. I got waffles and fruit and we all went to sit down. While we were eating, we saw the rest of the guys coming to us, looking sleepy as ever. Shawn looked really really hot. I continued to eat and he came up behind me and kissed my head. "Good morning sleepy head." I said to him. "Morning babe." He sat down in a chair next to me. "I have one question, why did we wake up on the floor?" I asked him. "Well, you fell off and I just came next to you cause I wasn't comfortable." "Aw." He smiled at me and went to go get food. "You guys are just the cutest ever." said Mahogany. "Thanks." I said and smiled. He came back and we all finished eating. "I gotta go shower." said Shawn. "Okay. Here's the room key." "Thankkkk you." he said back. I laughed and I went to go walk around with Matt and Mahogany. "So Matt how've you been?" I had go ask go about Avery, so I tired to start a conversation. "Good good, the same, and you?" "Also good, I like senior year." "Me too, uh how's Avery??" "She's good too, what's been up with you guys?" "I don't know I haven't talked to her in a while, I miss her." Wow thank god."Well she misses you too." "She does?" I nodded. "I'll text her later." I smiled and I had to go back upstairs to get my phone. I knocked on the door, since I had no room key and Shawn opened it for me. He was all dressed and ready. "What's up I was just about to go down." "I needa get my phone so we can take cute pictures with the dolphins." Shawn smiled at me and I ran to go get my phone. We walked downstairs to see all the guys waiting. We all separated and got into 2 different vans. I was of course with Shawn, then Taylor, Matt, Carter and the Jacks.

When we got there, I got so excited. I always dreamed of having an amusement park date, and I get to spend it with my favorite boy and my favorite people.

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