Gotta Tell.

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Chapter Five

Derek rolled his eyes and dropped his head onto my shoulder before slowly getting up off the ground I grabbed his jacket. "I don't want to see him." I sighed still pissed at him.

He nodded grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Just wait here till hes done." He said and I nodded leaning on the wall, He started to head down out of the house and head outside. I had listened as they spoke of Scott attacking a bus driver. What the hell? "Derek, where the hell is Y/N? I haven't seen her at all since school." Scott said angrily like we were all good, I was still angry with him...

"Why are you asking me?" Derek asked. I could hear his eye roll. I chuckled.

"Because it reeks of her smell and I can hear her heartbeat in the house," He said Derek stood there silently for a long moment and I sighed and opened the door.

"Scott. Go home, I'm fine," I said huffing and leaning on my right leg.

"I thought we talked?" He was really this dense? I scoffed.

"No! You talked and I didn't care to listen," I said firmly. "Scott go home and leave me to my own devices." I sighed and he growled.

"Fine! I'm going home and I'll let Mom know you hanging out with a killer..." he said as he grabbed his bike.

"Yeah, you do that Scott." I looked at my nails and as Scott left on his bike I turned to Derek and smiled.

"What?" Derek chuckled at me.

"Nothing. Hes gone, thank god and you... Being with you makes me happy," I said chuckling as I walked toward him.

"Being with me makes you happy eh? Care to explain?" he asked teasingly as he stepped toward me too.

"Well because... I...." I trailed off not finishing my sentence and he tilted his head looking down at me and I sighed shrugging. I wanted to tell him about how I liked him and had never once thought about anyone the way I thought of him. How did the younger me do it before? Not only that but he was my first kiss, and I wondered how his lips felt now... I could imagine how experienced he was... Hos his muscles looked questioned, with confusion written on his expression. He grabbed my arms and I uncrossed them as he slid his hands down my arms to my hands.

"Nothing, it's just because... I missed you I guess," I said dismissing it and trying to barely answer him as much as I could.

"Come on... Tell me the truth," He pushed and I smiled and shook my head no, "Why not? Embarrassed?" He poked fun at me and I chuckled.

"No, I just don't want to tell you," I teased back and bit my lip chuckling. "How about we get something to eat?" I asked

"Okay, fine, we'll go eat. Come on." He waved for me to Get in his car as he opened the door.

"What a gentleman!" I teased even more while getting in, he rolled his eyes playfully as he closed the door. I watched him walk around and I felt nerves fill my chest... He got in the car himself and pulled away from the house.


I thought as we drove in a comfortable silence, Should I tell her? I feel as though I should tell her because she has a right to know, I chewed on my inner cheek as I discussed this with myself. It had to do with her, she was everything so I needed and wanted to tell her everything. I'll tell her when we get to the restaurant. "So where do you wanna go?" I asked her and she hummed thinking.

"Um... How about that diner on Main St.?" She asked and then bit her plump lips. I gulped looking back at the road.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled before we headed in that direction, she took her sweater off and it showed she was wearing a crop top, i looked at her as she moved her body
to grab something from her bag. I saw something on her lower back. "Uh hey, Y/N, what's on your back?" I inquired and she looked at me as her face turned red, God she was adorable when she blushed.

"Uh nothing?" she said in more of a question than an answer. I squinted.

"Y/N..." I dragged out. "What is it?" I asked giving her a stern look she huffed.

"Okay. It's a tattoo," She chuckled nervously.

"Of?" I asked curiously and she huffed again while turning around and showing me a triskelion tattoo, my eyes widened... It looked so good against her skin, the mark out our families. Of wolves.

"A-A triskelion, when did you get it?" I asked genuinely interested, what have I missed? I want to know everything.

"On my 14th birthday." She said sitting back properly on the passenger seat, I hummed.

"14? 4 years ago? Why?" I asked. I wanted to understand everything about her and her mind worked.

"That doesn't matter," She whispered. She seemed like hated talking about herself

"I think it matters," I responded.

"Not right now." She sighed and I sighed nodding.

"Alright," I said letting it go. I looked forward as she looked out the window again, I looked at her glancing at both her and the road, observing her, her eyes were gorgeous and were easy to get lost in, and she was shiny and a beautiful colour. I wanted to touch it if she'd let me. The way she plays with her hands when she's bored or nervous, her lips, I thought about kissing her, would she want me to? The way she bites her lip when she is happy or anxious, her body was just perfect, I could easily see myself wrapping my arms around her waist and putting my face in the crook of her neck and smelling her scent like when we hugged I couldn't get over her smell, she smells like the best thing ever smelled. I stopped the car when we got to the diner, she looked at me and smiled. I couldn't but smile back and she got out.

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