Close and Communicating.

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Chapter Seven

As he pulled out of the parking lot he asked me. "So... Yours or mine?"

"Scott shouldn't be home and neither is Mum so wanna go to my place?" I asked him and he nodded. I wanted him to know about me... Who I was now after the fire just as much as I wanted to know him.

"Let's go." He said grinning back at me around 10 minutes later he was pulling up to my house, I bit my lip smiling, I got out of his car and headed to the door, unlocking the front door and taking his hand, we walked inside and I pulled him upstairs my room.

"Derek?" I remember talking to Lydia one time and she said that if a man couldn't tell you what they liked about you then they weren't worth your time... Maybe I should ask him, I felt a little worried about the possibility of a relationship. "What's your favourite thing about me?" I asked him slowly turning to look at him, he smiled at me moved to me, slowly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me to the bed, sat down, pulled me onto his lap then said. "Everything." I chuckled and shook my head.

"Yeah but if you had to pick?" I gently asked running my fingers against his stubble.

"Um... I would say your hair and personality." I liked those answers, it made me feel good. He then asked me. "What about me, what's your favourite?" I smiled looking at him.

"I love your eyes," I mumbled, I always loved his eyes, always so pretty.

"My eyes?" He asked smiling up at me.

"Yeah... Not just your green eyes though but your blue eyes too..." I said biting my lip.

"My blue eyes?" he asked slowly and I nodded.

"Yes... Your blue eyes, the icy blue to any other would be mysterious," I said smiling but my smile faded when I saw his frown form.

"Y/N. It's no mystery that I'm a monster," He said firmly looking away from me, but I grabbed his chin turning his face to me.

"Derek, I've done worse. You aren't a monster to me." I said seriously.

"What do you mean that you've done worse than me? What's worse than what I did?" He said unbelieving and I said nothing for a moment.

"You don't want to know, Derek."

"Of course, I want to know," He scoffed. "Y/N, please tell me..." He seemed to be begging softly.

"It started as this... Depressed feeling... Gradually growing worse, when my mother found out she took me to a therapist and got me some medication that was supposed to make me feel better, they didn't work though and I still had to take them, but nothing worked the feeling got worse, I wasn't very nice to Scott even if he just wanted me to be a sister... But I'm not a very good older sister... My brother was older than me..." I huffed resting my head on his shoulder. "I also didn't talk for a long time, they said it was a response to what happened to me, because of what I did to my father..." I sighed.


She looked upset, so many feelings were radiating off of her, sadness, and another feeling I didn't like, the feeling of being broken. Her heart was pounding, terrified of what I had to say next, I showed her, and I flipped us so that I was on top of her and looking her in the eyes, her expression read surprise. "Just like how you love my eyes despite what happened, I'm gonna love you no matter what, despite what happened," I whispered to her, slowly I kissed her lips, and she kissed me back without a moment of hesitation, as our lips connected officially it felt like a long-lost puzzle piece finally found its match, they moved together like nothing, the way her lips tasted was sweet and at this moment I knew Y/N was always meant to be my mate and I was hers. We pulled apart smiling and she hummed.

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