The Great and Powerful Overlord Hans (Written by Hans)

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Hello there, I am The Lord Hans. The name Hans is usually taken out of context for a man's name, but it’s really a gender neutral name. So yes I am woman. Infact, I’m not only The Lord Hans, I am Queen of Strudeltopia. Now, now, now, I was not born with the name Hans. The name was given to me as my ruler name and I go by Hans and Hans only now. I was born with the name Emma Die Gewählte Kristall. Which is German for Emma The Chosen Crystal. But that is in my past now and I shall never be called by my birth name again until my final breath.

            No more of that name nonsense. I run a simple kingdom, well sorta simple. Okay, it’s not simple at all, this shit's complicated. Lucky me, I don’t do it all on my own . I do, indeed, have The Snapchat Queen, she helps  with paperwork and the directing of those in our kingdom. I also have The dark Under Lord who I really just let rule her one little part of Hell, I trust her to do her job and she does. I just assume that she enjoys her place in this kingdom (she did work hard for it). I have one child, The Child of Darkness. She is a glorious little devil, and I’ll love her ‘til the day I die. I have raised her to be her own person and never hide things from her like her Father, who was brutally murdered by the Tart kingdom. Our enemy. But now I have a new king by the name of Lord Dave. He is like a secondary Hans in this case. I am more than content with Dave ruling by my side. I feel like we fit well together. But I'm afraid of another child, a child of every kingdom. For now we live on as we do and continue to make it through our lives.

Farewell, Lord and Queen Hans.

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