Belle French- Smile (h)

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Living in Storybrooke was never very stressful until the curse was lifted, after that everyone realised who they actually were and it was hard to adjust to being your fairy tale self but also your Storybrooke self.

You had always enjoyed where you lived, it wasn't as if you hated the fact that there was a curse considering no one even knew about it but there was a part of you that wondered what it would be like to live in the Enchanted Forest again.

Back in the Enchanted Forest, you were close with Robin Hood and his Merry Men – you were Robin's sister and you always knew that something was missing whilst you were under the curse, and when it was broken you instantly went searching for him.

Your girlfriend, Belle, was fully supportive of you trying to find Robin as all the stories you told her about him made her realise just how close the two of you had always been.

Coming to the conclusion that he wasn't in Storybrooke hurt, you wanted him to appear more than anything because you wanted your brother but he must have still been in the Enchanted Forest.

It had been yet another sleepless night, worrying about your older brother, wondering what he was doing or how he was, and of course not wanting to make Belle even more worried about you.

You were curled up on the sofa under a blanket, turning your attention away from the television when you heard Belle walking in.

"Did you not sleep?" she asked softly before she took a seat next to you.

You shook your head but lifted your blanket and she moved to put her arm around you.

She sighed as you cuddled up to her "I know you're worried about him Y/N, but we can't change the fact that he isn't here – Regina just didn't bring him here somehow" she explained to you, reciting the exact same thing she had told you since the curse broke.

You nodded in response "I know that, I just wish he was here" you told her, fiddling with the edge of the blanket.

"How about we stay in all day and watch some movies?" she suggested with a smile on her face, wanting to cheer you up a little.

You smiled and leant up to kiss her cheek "You always know the best ways to make me smile" you complimented her.

She laughed and pulled you closer "Smiling is always a good idea Y/N" she reminded you with a smile on her face.

Just as the two of you were about to search for a film, your front door burst open and David was standing there "Y/N" he breathed out, obviously, he had been running, before Emma appeared behind him "We found him"


Written by Hannah.

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