~Love, Regrets and Lies~ Chapter 13

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Things were getting better and better, and I was learning the ways of the drow quickly. Flying was very easy, you could just want to fly, then you would. It was like the wings were but a machine strapped to your back. I got so good at my fighting that I even moved up five Grades in four days. But that was just four days, this training went on all your life, until you reach Grade twenty five, and barely anyone ever does.  

I was sitting in the H.T.S. ,as it was quiet in there and nobody ever came in at this hour of the night.  

'Get up.' A hand grabbed my arm and I transformed to a drow, using all my strength to get him off.  

'You're coming with me,' his deep voice growled. 'We have-' he yanked my arm, 'Work, to do.' 

And be dragged me out, his big hand clamped over my mouth.  

'Brian! What are you doing?! Let go of the boy!' Gentle hands pulled me up and got me standing. I was looking into the eyes of Ciana, the fitness master, and one of the most beautiful females here. I remembered Aimee and stepped back. 

'Thank you.' I said, dusting myself off.  

'Come with me,' she said, placing her hand on the small of my back and sending shivers up my spine. I shuddered and moved away from her, so that her arm fell back by her sides.  

'Where are we going?' I asked her, stepping even further away from her hands, which looked like they were dancing in the middle of the air.  

'Somewhere close to somewhere private, as you will need time alone after this.  

She leaned over me and pushed open a spot on our right. I saw Aimee standing there and, glaring at Ciana, ran over and placed a kiss on her lips.  

'Meet me at the hunting station after this, A3.' I murmured into her ear.  

'What's up?' She whispered back 

'I'll tell you later,' I raised my voice, 'What's going on here?' She shrugged the  

indicated for me to ask Ciana. 

I walked away, towards Ciana, before seeing Crayolice, and asked her.  

'Oh, I don't know! I'm all of a flutter! But somebody said it was something to do with you. But I really don't know, sorry Sam.' 

'Sam, this is your sister.' I whirled around and saw Florence, with a little, squirming black thing in her hands. We found your mother. Bad state, preserved, of course, by the venom. There was a child, also preserved, but not dead. Your twin.  

I stared at the thing that was squirming in her arms for a long time, before realizing what she had said.  

My mother was bitten, with two children, one was early? One was late? I couldn't understand, how could the baby not die.  

'How did she not die?' I asked slowly.  

'We can only die from emotions, yes, we could be near death with injuries, but we don't die. Its mostly from loss of a mate.' She explained. 

I smiled a small one. 'Charlotte lives.' I whispered.  

Aimee joined in, a bit louder. 'Charlotte lives.' 

And soon everyone was saying it.  

Charlotte lives.

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