Chapter 2: Alison's one year Anniversary

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Arianna's POV

I woke up to my beauitful alarm clock (note sarcasm). I thought about yesterday it was great but then I remembered what day it was Alison's "one year Anniversary" a sad expression grew on my face but then I grabbed the ring Ali and I have. I was thinking should I straighten my hair or leave it natural? Then I decided to leave it. Ali has the same hair so yeah I miss her very much. I hope she is okay. She has to be alive please tell me she is not hurt or something that I never thought of is if she was dead . I did my usual makeup the same I did yesterday. Then I went to my closet look for something to wear? then I found it and put it on.

 Then I went to my closet look for something to wear? then I found it and put it on

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I looked at my outfit and smiled " I miss you Ali " I said to myself.I walked down stairs and saw my dad was gone already but, my mom wasn't. " Goodmorning sweetheart you look really beautiful" she said smiling " Thanks mom" I said putting on a fake smile for my mother because it's hard for her too. Alison was more of a dads girl I was more of my moms so it was more hard on my dad them mom he was more closer to her. " how was your first day of school yesterday?" my mom asked " it was okay mom remember when I told you I made a friend where Grandma lives.." I said she nodded " she lives here now her name is Hannah Baker" I said to my mom she smiled because I have a new friend. " awe that's great sweetheart do you have more friends" she asked " yeah I do his name is Jeff Atkins he is super sweet I have him in all my classes he helped me get to all my classes" I said with a real smile my mom noticed and smiled to her actual smile too " aw my baby is growing do you like him sweetie" she asked lookind at me handing me some food " yeah I think I do mom it's different then any other guy mom" I said realizing im a lil red. Then someone knocked on the door " I'll get it mom" I said getting up before she did. " okay sweeetie" she said I opened up the door and saw Jeff " Hey Jeff how'd you know where I live" I asked confused " remember I asked to drive you home yesterday and you agreed, I asked if I could pick you up and you also agreed to that too" he said politely and chucked at the end " oh yeah i'm sorry I forgot" I said my mom got up " who's at the door sweetheart" she said putting my dish in the sink. " I have to go mom its Jeff he came to pick me bye mom" I said walking into the livimg room grabbed my bag about to walk out " wait sweetie don't you want to introduce me" she said walking towards us " oh yeah mom this is my friend Jeff Atkins, Jeff this is my mom Jessica Dilaurentis" I said he held his hand out to shake my moms hand but, she pulled him into a hug " nice to meet you Mrs. Dilaurentis" he said nicely while pulling away from their hug." sweetie is that the ring you and Ali got" she asked realising I was wearing it " Yeah mom I only take it off when I got to sleep or take a shower" I said looking at it with a smile trying not to let the tear slide " its been a year mom one year without my other half" I said knowing a tear came out. " sweetie I know its hard but she will always be here with you with all of us" she said pointing to my heart. " okay bye mom love you" I said heading out the door pulling Jeff with me while he let a little laugh out " bye have a good day love you" she said I let out a sigh "Thanks for picking me up Jeff" I said as he opened the passenger door for me. He ran to the drivers seat and got in. " anthing for a pretty girl like you" he said smiling at me returing to look at the road "tha-" i said but got interupted by jeff " no problem are you okay" he asked concerned we are at a red light right now a couple minutes away from school " me well im as good as I could ever be" I said with a fake smile " that's not your real smile I've only known you a day but, that's not your real smile do you want to talk about it" he asked still looking at me " go " I said because it is now green " huh" he asked confused I giggled " its a green light silly" I said actually smiling " there's that smile I have been searching for" he said with a smile " I miss her Jeff, its hard it's her one year anniversary when I think about it or look at me I just want to cry I look like her or she looks like me becuase im 5 mintues older than her but not the point" I said rambling "I'm rambling again aren't i" i asked while he was laughing " yeah but it's okay" he said smiling " thank you for listening to me when people ask me they normally don't really care they ask to be "polite" but they didn't know Ali that well" I said putting quotations around polite " no problem but answer me honstly are you okay Arianna i don't know you middle name Dilaurentis" he said in a serious tone I sigh " i don't know it's hard to answer I mean I feel fine but at the same time I feel like I lo-lost m-m-my ot-oth-other h-half" I said stuttering crying as we arrive at school " come here it's going to be okay Ari I will try my best to help as best as I can " he said pulling me into a hug rubbing my back while im crying I thought wow he is super nice a great guy I really like him what is he doing to me. " you're okay now beautiful" he said wiping away my tears with his thumbs I nodded " okay" he got out ran to the door before I could open it. the day went on.

skip to lunch (still Arianna's POV)

I walked into the lunch room and saw Aria, Han, Spence, Em, and my other Han lol. I was walking towards them until " Hey Arianna come sit with us" Justin Foley said I was suprised too we don't know each other that well either. I didn't want to be mean and say no " um.. sure " I said looking at the girls they looked and nodded " cute dress Ari is it okay i call you Ari" Justin asked I thought it was cute how he asked if it was okay I think the Justin Foley was getting nervous interesting right? I laughed at how he asked me " yeah of course" I said with a smile he's really nice I see why Hannah liked him. Wait no I can't like Justin no I just can't. " Are you okay Ari if I may call you that too" Montgomery said " yea it is all of you just call me Ari please you would sound like my parents or older brother if you called me Arianna" I said taking a drink of my drink " okay and call me Monty then" Monty said looking at me with a smile. lunch was great with them Bryce kept flirting with me gross. I wonder where Jeff went? I have class with him next i'll see him then. class was boring but I sat next to Foley. He kept making fun of the teacher and how she kept talking about useless thing, which made me laugh.

Skip school becuse it was lame

I got home when I walked in my mom and were both home. I thought was weird because my dad should be at work. " Hey sweetie how was school" my mom asked " it was okay im going to go do homework " I said going upstairs " okay dinner will be done soon" my dad yelled " okay dad" I said walking into my room.

so how do you like the book so far? should Jeff ask Arianna out? what will happen... tune in for next chapter thank you for reading my book. Do you like Arianna's Friendship she has with Jeff?

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