Chapter 3: Worst day

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Arianna's POV

I woke up did the usual hair makeup. I was still in my pajamas when I got a text. I looked at it, it was an unknown number. I wonder who it could be and opened it and read to see it was Monty. Also Cheer tryouts are coming soon excited but it's next week and it's only Monday today lol.


Hey Ari it's Monty


Hey Monty


Do you need a ride today?


Monty you don't have to I can easily get a ride thanks:)


well I'm coming right now no need to rush though.


awe Monty your amazing Thank you!


I'm here I'm about to knock and I know I'm amazing lol.

read a minute ago

I run down stairs in my pajamas as I answer the door. " hey Monty" I said as I open the door wide so he can come in " hey Ari nice outfit " he said smirking checking me up and down I playfully smack his arm " whatever Monty I need to find an outfit come on" I said running upstairs with Monty behind me " I'm almost ready I have to find an outfit" I said walking into my room straight to my closet. " no need to rush need any help" he asked surprisingly nice. I looked at him " really Monty you think you can pick a good outfit out?" I asked very concerned he laughed at me " yeah how about this" he said holding out a perfect outfit " oh my god Monty it's beautiful I forgot I had that" I said looking at it. " ill be right back you can sit on my bed if you would like" I said and he laid on my bed as I entered the bathroom that's connected to my room and change to put on this.

" wow you

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" wow you...look great Ari" Monty said looking at me up and down checking me out I giggled with a little blush on my face " Thanks Monty ready to go downstairs now" I asked grabbing my phone and bag " ....yeah.. sure" he said still keeping an eye on me we walked downstairs. I saw my mom she looked at me and cleared her throat, then I realized why " oh yeah sorry mom this is Montgomery, Monty this is my mother Jessica Dilaurentis" I said while she pulled him into a hug" It's nice to meet you Mrs. Dilaurentis" Monty said politely which I was surprised I've never seen this side of Monty I like it. Oh no I think I'm starting to like Monty but, I like Jeff too and who could forget the Justin Foley lol " Please call me Jessica" my mom said with a smile grabbed her bag " I'm leaving sweetie love you" mom said " okay bye love you" I said "you better go to school soon" mom yelled "okay bye now don't stay out to late" I said laughing so did Monty " haha darling very funny same goes for you" she said to me half sarcastic and half serious towards the end. Then the home phone rang my mom got it I couldn't really hear the conversation though. Once it ended my mom had tears in her eyes I ran to her gave her a hug " what's wrong mom" I asked very concerned "Y-Your S-Sis-Sister S-Sh-She's gone" she said crying I ended up tearing up "sweetie you don't have to go to school I'll call the school and the Hastings and Marins and Fields, and the Montgomery's" she said wiping her tears away "okay but, where are you going mom" I asked while she was walking " to find a job bye sweetie I love you" she said closing the door I stood there in shock my sisters dead. Monty gave me a hug I started crying " M-Monty-" I started saying but he cut me off "shh It's okay Ari I'm here I'll stay with you if you need me" he said hugging me tighter " Th-Thanks Mo-Monty" I said stuttering " I'm getting your jacket all covered with makeup stains I'm sorry" I said realizing what I did to his jacket and pulling away from the hug "hey it's okay it's washable" he said wiping my tears/mascara off with his thumbs "Can you stay with me Monty I d-" I said being cut off by Monty again "yeah of course I will. I have to call my mom so she knows I'm actually not skipping this time" he said smiling. " haha okay Monty not THIS time huh" I asked smiling. "haha I'm going to call her" he said walking outside to call her. I grabbed my phone and saw I had missed a whole crap load of texts and calls. I looked through them all thinking if I should text back. They could stop by if it was important.

Jeff 38 texts 39 calls

Aria 42 texts 37 calls

Justin 49 texts 43 calls

Em 46 texts 39 calls

Spence 47 texts 34 calls

Han 42 texts 51 calls

Baker 48 texts 54 calls

Dad 25 texts 55 calls

Noel Kahn 27 texts 30 calls

Sean 36 texts 48 calls

The day went on me and Monty were hanging out. I got to know Monty a lot more. I have to say even though, Monty may not seem like it but he is actually really sweet. My parents came back my dad met Monty, it was odd he actually liked Monty. My dad doesn't like any guy besides Sean and he also met Jeff and he liked him. I'm just glad he likes him because Monty's a friend a close one now. My parents let Monty stay for dinner. Monty just left an hour ago. " Sweetie we are having the funeral in Rosewood, we are leaving Tuesday" my mom said. I wondered if we were moving back or just going their for the funeral " Mom are we moving there" I asked hopefully she will say no. " no sweetie we are just having the funeral its on Thursday and Friday, we have to plan the stuff for it and we only have one day to get it sorted out so pack, we are driving to Rosewood" my mom yelled walking up stairs while I was on the couch. There was a knock on the door so I got up " I'll get it mom" I yelled because I heard her about to walk downstairs . I opened the door to see the one and only Jeff Atkins. "Hey Jeff, what you doing here not to come off rude or anything I'm just surprised to see you here" I said making myself stop talking also smiling at him "Hey to you too I wanted to stop by and give you your homework since you were gone today and I brought you these" he said giving me my homework and my FAVORITE flowers " Awe Jeff I love the roses their beautiful" I said putting them down and giving him a hug, which he returns immediately. "Of course I asked Aria what your favorite flowers were and the color" he said while we pulled away he scratched the back of his neck. I knew that was his habit when he got nervous " Are you okay Arianna" he asked looking directly in my eyes which I returned " I'm okay I guess we are leaving Tuesday to Rosewood to plan her funeral and then be back by Saturday" I said biting my lip trying to fighting back my tears from coming out. " I'm sorry if it helps Monty Justin and I are coming with you guys we already talked to your parents and ours and they all talked about it and agreed to it" he said that grew a smile on my face to know that they were all coming for me. " oh and so is Hannah by the way I forgot to mention that" he said " Wow forget to mention my favorite person was going to be there" I said giggling " I was already going to be their though" he said smiling. " I just stopped by to drop that off I have to pack since it's Monday today" he said " okay see you tomorrow then" I said " Wait Jeff how are you guys going to get to Rosewood" I asked concerned " We are driving well I'm driving why" he asked walking down the steps facing me now " Do you want me to ride so you know where your going" I said laughing at the end because none of them been to Rosewood. " Yeah please I don't want to get lost but anyway see ya tomorrow be here by 9:30" he said getting into his car " okay bye" I yelled and waved and then he drove away. I went back into the house and saw my mom in the kitchen " mom did you know Jeff, Monty, Justin, and Hannah were coming with us tomorrow" I asked walking into the kitchen " yeah we all talked about it they are going to drive in Jeff's car" she said turning to me "Mom can I ride with them so they don't get lost lol" I said laughing a bit " Yeah I was hoping you would" she said and went back to doing what she was doing.

That's it for this chapter. What happens when they go to Rosewood? Monty and Arianna are getting close. how close though? Will they get jealous when they meet her ex boyfriend Noel Kahn? Tune in next chapter to find out everything. Peace thanks for reading.

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