Chapter 4: Martapura

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Saturday had come quickly. With only two days before I was sent across the world, I had just enough time to explain what happened to my friends and family. Randy was astonished that they didn't hold me for hostage, while my other friends were sad or even angry to see me go. Only my best friend, Jordan, was happy for me even though he would miss me. Somehow, that got to me the most.

I called my father, too. He immediately gushed and then chose that time of all things to tell me about how they interviewed him first. He told me how proud he was of me, and that this was my best opportunity to be a renowned detective. I told him my worries about becoming a brooding lawless vigilante, but he dismissed that as nonsense. I guess he really did want this for me. The least I can do is try it out for a while, for him.

Now here I was, back on the Descartes with the three people I could soon call my coworkers...oh god this is going to be a nightmare. It had been a long, grueling 12 hour flight that left my joints stiff as lead and sore as heck. Not to mention that all I had was stale bread aboard the flight...I was starving! These guys were right about one thing; this is a really cheaply designed aircraft. Marshall was the one piloting this time around.

"So, Nathan, how does it feel to be on your way to becoming a hero?" Peter asked me cheerily. Marshall would not have liked to hear him say that to me. Nigel and Peter were dressed in civilian clothing this time while still being fairly obvious tourists. Nigel wore a blue Hawaiian shirt with palm trees on it, while Peter wore a simple red T-shirt.

"I haven't even done anything yet. If all heroes do is sit in cheap planes for entire days, then I don't think I am exactly stoked for the future." I said.

"Heh, luckily for all of us there is a little more to it than that. Wait till you see your first target, then try to tell me if you would ever catch anybody like that as a police officer. " Nigel teased me.

If Marshall has flown correctly, we are now in a small forest sitting on the fringe of the Indonesian city Martapura.

"Remind me again what we are doing in Martapura? I thought you guys didn't have an exact location on The Serpent." I asked.

"We don't. We're going after that magical secret society the newspaper said he blew up: The Kadan. We pulled some strings to get an exact location on where they might be hiding. And well, that led us to this shining city! Compared to searching a whole country for one man, searching a city for a whole group shouldn't be too hard." Peter said.

"Right. Then we'll ask them what they know about his whereabouts." I said.

"Yup, and if everything goes perfectly we'll be on our way to capturing your snake-themed pal before the end of the week." Nigel said.

An idea began to form in my mind. Staying in this organization long enough to capture The Serpent might be an ideal plan...that is totally justified! I just have to put up with it long enough to bring my enemy to justice. Then I will be satisfied.

"Right. But how are we going to find The Kadan?" I asked them both.

"I was thinking we ask around. See what the civvies know, and maybe even head to a library. Secrets are always hidden in libraries, for some damn reason." Nigel said.

"Hmm? Do you speak Malay?" Peter asked him.

"My lay what?" Nigel said. That was a no, then...fantastic.

The whirr of machinery ensued and the hatch flew open soon afterwards with a clang. Looks like we have already reached our desitnation. I heard the bottom of the aircraft grind against the dirt and rock below. That couldn't be good for it. The three of us stepped out into a clearing just beyond the forest.

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