Chapter 27: Justice

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The hangar-like doors leading into the tube were opened slowly and loudly as one of our soldier standing next to the control console pressed a button. Inside was indeed a wide, highway like road that no doubt led to the interior of the fortress. The road was clear and looked like glass, while the walls were made of some sort of heavy metal that curved into arches above.

"So, let me get this straight. Because this story is messed up as all hell. Senar is delivering the Jiwa souls to some sort of lock, so he can break the seal over the Unity Lance's power?" O'Reily asked me directly as he walked up to me. He had just arrived via a motorcycle that was trailing the trucks. His long air floated ever so slightly in the breeze. He was carrying a very large gun, something that looked akin to an RPG.

"Something like that. Either way, that means there isn't a whole lot of time. He's already got a head start on us. We need to stop him." I told him. I just hope Senar hasn't already reached this lock...whatever that may be.

"Then let's get moving. Marshall, Ibis, Nathan, Peter, and Angela, I want you all on that truck right there. Nigel, you ride with me. Take this, soldier." O'Reily said as he tossed the obnoxiously large weapon over to Nigel.

"And what about me?" Torren asked with annoyance.

"A Black Star? Today is the happiest day...!" Nigel squealed like a little girl, interrupting Torren.

"Let's roll. Torren, you'll join up with that truck over there." O'Reily said as he got onto the drivers seat of the black motorcycle. Nigel chased after him and hopped onto the back, hoisting the mighty weapon above his shoulder. I walked towards the truck that O'Reily had directed me to, and got into the back passenger seats. Marshall took the drivers seat while Angela took the shotgun seat. Ibis joined me in the back while Peter clambered onto the heavy machine gun above. It was time to make Senar pay.

I sunk back into the cushy seat and rolled the window down. Marshall must have stomped on the gas, because the vehicle roared to life almost instantaneously. The truck lurched forward and flew into the tunnel that would take us to our foe. Within seconds we were at the head of the fleet of trucks that was chasing after Senar, with four other trucks full of troops located behind us.

A few hostile troopers were standing atop raised platforms located on either side of the tube, and they took aim at us as we plowed through the tunnel at most definitely unsafe speeds. Peter shouted with either rage or glee, and knowing him it was most likely to be glee. I don't think the guy can even get angry.

The soldiers took cover from the heavy machine gun fire, although once Peter had fired the other trucks behind us had followed suit. The platforms were torn apart from the hailstorm of bullets, causing the railings to split into pieces from the sheer firepower. Entire sections of the platforms fell to the floor below, some of them with soldiers still on them. Soldiers farther ahead noticed that the platforms were breaking apart, and took of running to escape the carnage.
"Well, their plan certainly didn't last long." I said.

"They're not the ones we are worried about. Those are just small fry. We need to keep pushing." Marshall said as he continued to push the vehicle to its limit. The vehicle complained and made harsh grinding noises, though that might just be from the tires grinding against the glassy substance below. Either way, it is loud as hell.

We had most certainly made a grand entrance, given that our firepower was making an enormous ruckus as we hopefully closed the gap between us and Senar. That metal asshole is still nowhere in sight...I hope he hadn't already reached the fortress.

"There! Over there! In the distance!" A soldier shouted over the truck intercom. Finally.

"Five hostile armors up ahead. Four trucks, one APC." Another trooper informed us.

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