Chapter 9: Confined Again

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"Agg..." I groaned as I regained consciousness while laying on a cold and rough floor. What just happened? I remember being struck in the head...dang, I can't see a thing while being this groggy. What is that rough feeling underneath me...ah, it's dust. A dusty concrete floor. In a classic example of bad news, I lifted my arm instinctively to stretch only to feel something quite wrong. My arm jerked suddenly upon my attempt to lift it, and I looked down at my wrist to see that it had been cuffed. Attached to the heavy stone cuff was a metal chain clipped to the brick wall behind me. My other arm had suffered the same fate.

So that's it then. I have been taken in to a prison for some reason. Ironic, isn't it? Me, the guy who fights for the law finds himself on the inside of the jail cell... what a joke. I thought I had what it took to be a heroic officer...what it meant to be somebody who others could rely on. But I can't even save myself for the life of me.

My head still throbbed from the attack I received from the soldier, and I could feel a bandage that was sloppily placed on my head. My eyes darted around to take in the surroundings.

I have definitely been locked in a jail cell. A few feet in front of me were some iron bars implanted in the earth that reached to the short ceiling. There was a white plastic chair in front of the bars. About three feet away from me a was a hole in the ground. I can only assume what that might be used for...the smell told me everything I didn't want to know. I tried to stand up, but the chains proved to be ruthlessly short. What kind of psycho would make foot-long chains!? Does this look like a sandwich shop?

I was forced back down again and decided upon a sitting position instead. The brick walls of the place were a beige color and were covered with dust. This place did not look like a conventional prison. I felt my pockets and noticed that my phone along with my wallet had been taken. Kick me while I am down, is that it!? I can't believe I let myself get captured. I can't believe I failed both times people were relying on me to protect someone. I don't have what it takes. I'm just...some random guy plucked off the streets.

"He's awake." The voice of the same soldier who knocked me out broke the silence. I looked over to see her standing at the end of the corridor by a window. Sunlight had broken through the gaps in the window and illuminated the bluish-gray helmet she had on. Within moments, she turned around and disappeared around a corner. What was she up to...what are they doing? What kind of trick is this?

A black man dressed in a medium gray pinstripe suit strolled around the corner and began to head towards my cell. Atop his head was a gray fedora. No. Way.

"Mondre." I spat as I recognized my old opponent. He strode towards my cell and then had a seat at the plastic chair that had been sitting there.

"Good morning, Nathan. Welcome to Saudi Arabia." He grinned, showing off his bright white teeth. Of course he smiles at me. Why wouldn't he!? You are so lucky I am cuffed to this wall, or I would grab you by the throat through those bars within an instant. You lied to me, threatened my family, and nearly murdered me. You have no right to continue torturing me. I have served my time with you! The only other time I want to see you is locked inside a maximum security of course you had to turn the tables.

"What do you want?" I hissed at him. He put his hands on his knees and leaned forward ever so slightly. Intimidation tactics. Won't work on me, asshole.

"You and I both know that it is not about what I want, Nathan." He teased. Are you sure? "Curious you sought refuge with Sunai and The Kadan. I wonder why you did so?" He pondered aloud. How did he know that...? Are they captured too? I am going to do my best to make sure that he doesn't get any answers. After all, he did the same to me.

"Where is The Serpent?" I asked directly.

"He is on his way. He has a plan for you; for all of us." He said while still flashing that smile obnoxiously. Stop smiling and take me seriously, I won't be demaned. "I remember the day I met you in the Congo. You were a naive, adventurous child. I am glad to see that some things never change." He continued. And there he goes, demeaning me again. Predictable jerk.

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