Fire and Ice

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Lukas was always a strange individual. He looked nothing like his father, but he looked like a perfect cardboard copy of his mother. The only difference was his eyes. His were there dark blue that can only be seen in the early night sky. Either of his parents and eyes that could even come closes to his. But the thing that was most odd about him was that every thing around him froze.

Lukas himself had no idea what was happening and believed himself to be cursed. Thrus he kept this hipped from his parents. But nothing stays hidden forever...

It happened when he was only 7 years old. He was playing in the large forest near his house when he can across a clearing with the most beautiful violet flowers he had ever seen. The 7 year old could only think of one thing that could match such beauty...his mother.

Lukas was determined to pick one and bring it back to her. She was always sad whenever she was at home. He quickly sprinted across the clearing to the flowers. He reach forth to grab the nearest on to him. His hand had just bearly touched it when a white frost covered it. Lukas let out a gasp and pulled his hand towards his chest.

The frost didn't stop with on flower, but soon spread to the others. Lukas watch helplessly as the whole clearing froze. He sat down in shock not able to think or even posses what had happened.

"Lukas. Where are you!"

His head shot up towards the sound. There,at the edge of the clearing stood his father. "Lukas I was worried y...." his father never finished the sentence. His purple eyes shifted from Lukas to the surrounding frost.

"Lukas. Did you do this?" His father asked. There was anger and shock in his voice. Lukas looked him straight in the eye and slowly nodded. His farther matched towards his with hatred in his eyes. "YOU DEVIL WORSHIPER. YOU HAVE BROUGHT DISGRACE ON THIS FAMILY!" "I-I-I'm sorry. I only wanted to give a flower to mommy." Lukas stuttered out, tears in his eyes.

That was the day everything went downhill. Lukas could only watch in sick horror as his mother was dragged to the stake.

"THIS WOMAN HAS BEEN PROVEN OF BEING A WITCH. SHE MUST BURN FOR HER CRIMES!!!" The priest cried out and the crowed cheered. Lukas whimpered under his father's hands, wich held him firmly in place as he was force to watch. The flames spiraled up the wooden pole that his mother was tied to. She let out a blood curling scream into the night as her body was destroyed.

Lukas could only scream.


Lukas woke with a start and sat up in bed. He was drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. It had been years since that day. Lukas was now 19 and currently in college. He had left his father behind after he got remarried and had another son. His little brother was his favourite person in the world. Lukas was hart broken when he had to leave Emil behind, but I was for his own safety. He didn't want Emil to end up like his mother. Emil was 10 when he left, but that was 6 years ago.

"Calm down. It was only a nightmare" that was what he told himself every morning. With a sigh Lukas got up to make himself coffee.

"Another day full of lectures, great"

After finishing his coffee he got dressed and headed to the train station that would take him as close to the city where the university was.

Quickly boarding the train he chose a empty table and sat down. The train left the station shortly after. Lukas pulled out his book and began reading. That's when a loud noise startled him. Looking up there where 3 men with hoods and glasses.

Lukas didn't catch what they said but he could see the people around him panicking. Then one man walked over to two blond passengers. He grabbed the younger one and help the gun to his head. Then the older did something very unexpected.

The blond stood up and used magic to attack the man, sending him flying to the other side of the cart. The blond ran forward and held his brother close.

One of the men with glasses then raised his gun to the two blondes. Without even considering his actions Lukas stood up and lifted his hands. The younger one screamed just before the shot ran out. But by then Lukas had already casted his magic: a barrier of ice against the fire of the enemies.

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