A Place to Call Home

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Vladimir's P.O.V.

How long have I been awake for? It's probably been hours. I just can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about today. I remember the meeting this morning, or afternoon. We heard that there had been an incident on a train. I of course volunteered to go look for the missing witches, but they seem different.

Sure they seem a little strange, but then again everyone is a little strange. I can't stop thinking about what Lukas said when I brought up the Solomon Order. I wanted to tell Peter what it is. He has a right to know! He is Arthur's brother so he obviously has magical abilities. Lukas said Peter is too young to know about it. Did Lukas have a bad past with them? What happened before I met him? Maybe it's why he's so quite. I turned around to look at him. He seemed peaceful. I could make out the gentle rise and fall of his chest. He must be asleep. Lucky bastard.

I think so fresh air will do some good. Being as quite as I could I lifted the blanket and climbed out of the bed. Now the hard part. I creeped across the wooden floor. This is the longest its ever taken me to get to the door. Finally arriving at the door I slowly nudged it open. BIG MISTAKE.

The door gave a small creak and I stopped. I glanced back at Lukas. He was in the same position as before. Good. He's still asleep. I nudged the door slightly more open and was able to slip out. Now that that's over I don't need to worry about being quite.

I continued down the hallway and into the main hall. There were a few people on patrol. Watching them maked me uneasy. That's the thing about living in a secret hidden cathedral filled with magic users. There's always the chance we have been discovered and fall under attack. Well... now I feel even worse.

I quickly speed walked to the Northernmost part of the cathedral. Once there I headed over to the long ago broken widow frame. Placing my hands on the sill I pulled myself up and through the window frame. Most people call me reckless for jumping out a window on the second floor, but most people don't know that there was a section of broken and crumbled wall under the window that formed a makeshift staircase to the roof.

I gracefully walked along the edge of the roof and peered down to the trees below. Was I scared that I would fall? Not one bit. I went to my favourite part of the roof, the bell tower. The door on the inside of the cathedral that leads up the tower had collapsed long ago. Along with the stairs. I can't help smirking at that. Unless you climb the roof there was absolutely no way to get up here. I went and sat on the ledge of the tower, dangling my legs over the edge.

After a while it started to rain. To a heavy rain, but a light misty type of rain. I smiled up at the clouds. I'm not going to let bad weather get me down. The rain got slightly more heavy overtime. Haha. I'm almost soaked. Suddenly the rain stopped. I looked up to see someone standing there with an umbrella. "You'll get a cold if you stay out in this weather."

It was raining. The cold whipped through my coat and I began to shiver. I hugged my legs closer to me in a fruitless attempt to gain warmth. The outcrop of a roof was all I had for shelter. I would have asked for help, but no one wants to take in a freak of a child with red eyes. The rain stoped. Why has it stoped? I looked around, but it was still raining. That's when I saw someone standing in front of me. It was another boy not much older than myself. His hair was dark and contrasted with his bright green eyes. "Aren't you cold?"

I smiled up at him. "Hey Aleksander." He looked confused and suprised for a second before it was replaced with a look of concern. He sat down next to me, still holding the umbrella to keep us dry. "You never use my full name... What's wrong?" I just shrugged and turned slightly away from him. "It's nothing."

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