Middle of the Night

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Arthur P.O.V:

I pulled Peter as close as possible to me. He may say I'm a terrible brother, but dammit i wasn't going to let him die. I don't care if I die, as long as he doesn't get hurt.



I waited for the pain to come, but I felt none. I looked at Peter to see if he got hit instead. He didn't seem to be in pain. Thank goodness. Wait... If he didn't get hit... then who did. It was then that I noticed he wasn't looking at me but rather behind me. I slowly turned around only to be shocked by what I saw.

There was the bullet... frozen in an ice shard.

Lukas P.O.V.

The blond turned his gaze from the ice shard to me. I could see him shaking while still clutching the younger one. There was not only panic in his eyes ,but also fear. I'm certain my eyes mirrored his green ones.

This whole time there was a deafening silence as everyone tried to prosess what just happend.

That silence was shattered like glass. One of the men recovered from his shock and was about to open fire at us again. I have to get us off this train now.

Third P.O.V.

Lukas looked at Arthur and mouthed one word, "Run."

Without thinking twice Arthur scooped up Peter in his arms and sprinted to the end of the cart. Lukas turned around and made another ice shard as the men opened fire again. He was sure security would be arriving soon. Lukas ran after Arthur and passengers started screaming.

Arthur kicked open the door at the back of the cart only to be met with  seemingly endless train tracks. Lukas quickly caught up, pushed Arthur through the door and closed behind him.

"Looks like we have to jump," Lukas said turning his gaze on Arthur and Peter. "Are you insane!" Arthur almost screamed. He looked Lukas in the eyes. "You're actually serious"

Just when they thought it could get worse the train alarm sounded. "It's now or never" said Lukas.

Holding Peter close to him and shielding his head Arthur jumped first. Lukas jump only seconds after. Both landed with a hard thud and skidded along the track. The train was forgotten as it disappeared down the rails.

"Peter, are you alright. You're not hurt are you?" Arthur asked with worry. "I'm fine jerk" Peter replied trying to sound brave but failing as tears streamed down his face. Arthur tuned to Lukas who was dusting himself off. "Thank you for that. I'm Arthur this is Peter." "Lukas" he replied as he held out a hand and helped Arthur up.

"So what now?" Asked Lukas. Truth be told he didn't think this far ahead in his original plan. "I say we look for a way out of here. We are underground and I'm sure it won't be long before they're start searching for us" "You're right. Let's get moving then I want to get out of here as soon as possible" replied Lukas

Time skip~~~

After walking for a few hours in silence they found a ladder that appeared to be an emergency exit. Lukas climbed up first. The bars were cold and slippery and his own ice magic really didn't help him at all. Once he reached the top he slip open the iron cover with one hand and climbed out. Arthur heard Lukas call down to him and let Peter go up first before following. Once they everyone was out they took in their surroundings.

They were is what seemed to be the very out skirts of a small town. All of a sudden a voice spoke from behind them.

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"

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