The Magic Haven

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Third P.O.V.

To say they were surprised would be an understatement. Before them stood what appeard to be the ruins of a long ago abandoned cathedral. The walls were covered with moss, vines and other plants that seemed to leek out of the cracks in the stone structure. Broken frames of windows were dotted along these walls. Half of the roof seemed to be missing. Both Arthur and Lukas thought that was a bit of a safety hazard. In truth, it really was a grand building even after decades of decay.

After getting over the initial shock of the place it was clear that the cathedral was as lively as ever. There was quite a few people, all of them seemed to constantly be moving from one place to another. Like ants in a colony, each had a task to complete.

"So, what do you think. It's magnificent isn't it?" Vald asked sounding extra cheerful. Arthur replied first, "I have to admit it is quite a sight." "What is this place," asked Lukas, his monotone voice didn't hid that he too was surprised.
"This is the very heart of the magic rebellion. It's well hidden and not on maps so hunters can't find us. Plus it just looks cool." Vladimir answered.

"What is it hat you actually do here?" asked Arthur. "Well that's easy-" before he could finish he was interrupted by a small voice and sleepy voice. "Jerk brother. Put me down." Arthur slowly bent lower and Peter climbed off his back. It took him a few moments but he came to his senses and stared at the place in shock.

"Where are we!? Are we in some type of fantasy castle!?" he exclaimed. The boy was more hyper than ever. Vladimir let out a loud laugh at his antics. "Sorry to disappoint you kid, but this is more of a run down cathedral. On the bright side it's the secret headquarters of our pro-magic organisation. So it's still supercool!"

Lukas just rolled his eyes. Peter beamed at Vladimir, his eyes fulled with intrest. Arthur cleared his throat to gain back their attention. "Oh right, sorry I get distracted easily." Lukas said a quite "clearly" under his breath.

"Well, this is an organisation that aims to protect all magic users from the Solomon Order," explained Vladimir. "What's the Solomon Order?" asked Peter with curiosity. Vladimir opened his mouth to explain, but Lukas interupted him "I don't think you are old enough to know that yet." "But I'm a proper adult! Just look how big I am!" Arthur nodded to Lukas to show he agreed. "I agree. You are far to young to know." "Jerk brother! Reconize me as a grow up already!!"

Vladimir looked slightly uncomfortable, but covered it up with a slime and short laugh. "You're proberly tired. I'll show you to where you'll be staying. Follow me." Happy for the abrupt change in subject of they quickly followed him.

Arthur was the first to speak, "I presume there are mostly witches here?" Vladimir slowed down slightly and turn to Arthur. "Well umm... most people here study magic and witchcraft but not many actually are witches." Arthur raised his eyebrows at this. (Vladimir tried not to laugh) "So most are muggles," Arthur said after a while. "Muggles?" asked Vladimir. "Those that cannot do magic." "Oh."

"Well yeah..." Vladimir said nervously. The conversation went silent. Vladimir kept avoiding eye contact, Lukas stared straight ahead and Peter and Arthur gazed around them at the old structure and busy people. They soon arrived at a long wooden door. Before opening the door Vladimir spoke to them, "Every one usually sleeps in the west wing of the cathedral, but since we're witches we get to stay in the east wing!" he said the last part with a broad smile. "We only have 2 rooms available so we have to share. I'm guessing that since you're bother you don't mind sharing so Lukas, you can share with me."

Lukas rolled his eyes and said, "Fine, have it your way." Vladimir's smile widened. "Alrighty then. Arthur and Peter will stay in the left room and we'll stay on the right."

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