Cross my heart

520 11 6

Third P.O.V.

The sun had just casted its first rays over the green forest treetops, making the leaves look like thousands of glistening emeralds. The stained glass windows of the cathedral turned the rays into all ranges of red and shades of blues. Birds chirped a melodic song throughout the forest. Not a wind or cloud was seen that misty morning.

Lukas was one of the first people to wake up after the long and restless night for many of he cathedral's inhabitants. With a yawn he stretched his arms above his head until there was a satisfying click. He got out of the bed still half asleep, thus he failed to notice the empty bed on the other side of the room. In a hazy daze he made his way out the room and into the main hall.

Not even the coldness of the stone stairs on his bear feet woke him up fully. Not really sure of where he was going, Lukas strolled towards where he could hear murmured talking. He had bearly taken ten steps when a women in green approached him. To Lukas she was just a blur of green and brown. "Are you alright?" she asked. Lukas only heard her mumble something, but nodded his head anyway. Without a second thought she grabbed his shoulders, spun him around and proceeded to march him to who knows where.

They came to an abrupt halt in a room stacked with shelfs on every wall, the occasional counter in between them. A wooden table stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by chairs. Lukas was promptly pushed into one of he chairs and told to stay in place. Still half-asleep, he had no idea what was even happening.

A few minutes had passed when Lukas started to smell something... something wonderful. In a almost hypnotised walk he made his way to the smell. He went and stood next to the girl to see what she was doing. Once she noticed him staring she let out a laugh, "I knew you would like it." She then shoved a warm cup into his hands. After one whiff of the drink he immediately downed half the cup.

After a brief moment everything become slightly more clear to Lukas. He gazed down at the warm cup in his hands, only to find his favourite drink. Coffee. Shifting his eyes upward he finally got a proper look at the girl. She wore a plain green dress with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Long brown hair cascaded over her shoulders. It was a very simple outfit, yet it gave her a kind look about her.

She smiled at him before sayings, "Feeling more awake now?" Lukas just nodded his head. "I'm Elizabeta. I'm basically the mother hen of this dysfunctional family." Lukas nodded his head at her again, far to concentrated on his coffee. All of a sudden a rather dark presence seemed to fill the room. He stopped mid-sip and looked up towards Elizabeta. She looked so terrifying that Lukas almost spitted out his coffee. Her voice had a dark undertone when she said, "So don't you dare try to be rude to anyone here or you and my frying pan will have a nice long chat." Lukas took a big gulp and nodded vigorously.

Just then a man entered the kitchen area. He wore a long rich purple coat that reached just above his knees. A white scarf was wrapped neatly around his neck. His glasses were perched perfectly on his nose and he had a strand of hair that stood up rather oddly. Lukas could sympathize with his, after all he did have a odd little curl himself. "Ahh. You must be one of the new witches who arrived yesterday." said the man. "My name is Roderich Edelstein. I'm in charge of the research and studies vhat goes on in this place.

Lukas soke for the first time that morning, "Vlad mentioned something about magic studies." Roderich gave a dramatic sigh, "Of course he did." He strided over to the kettle and made himself a cup of coffee before turning back to Lukas. "Come with me to the North wing. Since we have a munch of new witches, I would like to take some time for proper introductions and, as a bonus, find out about those special magical properties of yours. Eliza, would you be so kind as to wake the others up. I need to see vhem right away." "Of course."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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