Into the forest

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Third P.O.V.

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"

Arthur,Peter and Lukas looked to the owner of the voice. There stood a man with a long red trench coat ending just above his feet. Although that's not what startled them. He had red eyes that slightly glowed. Only one type of person could have glowing eyes. Witches. Not only that but they only glow when they cast a spell.

Vladimir P.O.V.

They stood there in complete shock and confusion. There were 3 of them. One had platinum blond hair with deep blue eyes, the other had blond hair as well but not as light. He had green eyes and . . . Was that catipilars on his face? Wait, no its eyebrows. The smallest one had a similar appearance to the second, but he had blue eyes instead.

Thanks to a simple revealing spell I was using I could tell they were witches.

Thrid P.O.V.

"W-we umm..." replied Athur after a long time. Vladimir just smiled at them. "Come on. You're not save here. I'll show you where you can hide until the coast is clear." Lukas and Arthur shared nervous looks. It was Lukas who replied first, "I suppose we don't really have a choice in the matter."

"Come along then." Vladimir started walking towards the nearby forest and Lukas slowly followed behind him, but Arthur remained glued to the spot. "Are you comming or not?" Asked Vladimir.

Arthur pushed Peter slightly behind him. "How do we know that we can trust you?" Vladimir turned and grinned at him. "I'm in just as my danger as you if they come after you, which they are already doing." Arthur frowned at him and turned to Peter. The poor boy looked so tired he might fall over. "Jerk brother." "What is it Peter?" "I'm tired. I'm too lazy to walk. Give me piggyback." "Alright Peter. Hop on then."

Arthur turned around and let him hop onto his back. After he was sure Peter was in no danger of falling he joined Vladimir and Lukas.

Time skip~~~

The trio had walked about 15 minutes into the forest. Peter fell asleep long ago and was snoring gently while Arthur continued to carry him.

Vladimir was the first to break the silence, "You know, you never said what your names are. To be fair I didn't either, but that's besides the point. So what are your names?"

"Kirkland, Arthur Kirkland. Pleasure to meet you. The child is my brother, Peter," replied Arthur.  "Do you say that to everyone you meet?" "I beg your pardon?" "Well you are British. It sounds like a very British thing to say. In any case I'm Vladimir, but you can call me Vlad." An akward silence followed his statement.

"You've been quite. What's your name?" Without looking at him Lukas answered in his monotone voice, "Lukas." The conversation then drifted into silence.

Time skip~~~

"Alright. We're here!" Vlad said unexpectedly. Athur and Lukas looked at the thick forest around them. All they could see was trees for miles. "Where is here exactly?" asked Arthur.

"Come on it's just through the bushes." Vladimir then walked over to a clump of bush with tiny red flowers on it. He carefully moved it to the side to reveal a stone pathway behind it. He turned back to the others and laughed at their bewildered faces before proceeding down the path. Arthur and Lukas shrugged at each other before following.

Not long onto the pathway they came face to face with a grand wooden door. It was old and worn, judging by the moss growing off it. Vladimir produced an iron key from his pocket and placed it in the door. After unlocking it he stepped inside and signaled the overs to follow.

"Arthur, Lukas. Welcome to the Magic Haven."

Well done to Theshipper120. You guessed who the mystery person was. You get a virtual cookie. Thank you for reading :)

Sorry if characters are OOC

(The spell Romania used in the beginning is like eagle vision from Assassin's Creed, but shows if you're a witch or human)

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