scenario three

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Scenario number three

Special Characters: Eleanor, Lewis, Harry, Gemma, Matthew, Tina, Aiden, AJ.

Eleanor Rogers silently tiptoes to the classroom together with her boyfriend, Lewis Oliver, who can't help but notice his girlfriend's weird behavior.

"Why are you acting so foolish?" Lewis questions his girl with a raised eyebrow, "and fucking fix your hair! You look like a mummy."

Eleanor clears her throat, pretending not to be offended as she combs her raven hair anxiously. "I-I'm sorry," she apologizes with a gulp, then her eyes brighten. "Hey, wanna skip first period?"

Lewis looks at her like she's crazy. "What?"

"Miss Rogers." The most popular and cold-hearted student of Harcott High stands not so far away from Eleanor, his voice full of authorization, making the other girls who pass by giggle at him.

Harry Morris. The boy every almost every single girl wishes to own and have. A boy with attractive platinum blonde hair and green emerald eyes that can take away every girl's breath when you look into it is standing right in front of a petrified Eleanor and a clueless Lewis.

"Morris. Good Morning to you too." Lewis steps in front of Eleanor to make sure Harry wouldn't hurt her. He knows that his girlfriend and Harry aren't the best of friends due to certain circumstances.

"Get out of the way, Mr. Oliver," Harry grunts with a grumble. "I need to talk to this slutty girlfriend of yours."

"She's not a slut!" Lewis defends as Eleanor turns pale.

"I don't give a fuck, Lewis," Harry pushes Lewis away, glaring at Eleanor.

Lewis meets the floor with a bang, letting out a groan. Eleanor puts on a plastic smile. "Morning. Harry." She tries to sound cheerful and cool, but inside, she knows what she has done.

Harry isn't stupid. He knows why Eleanor is looking like a mess and acting so unusual. "Did. You. Bring. Our. Materials. For. The. Science. Project?" Harry asks her, emphasizing each word.

"That's still on Monday." Eleanor laughs, batting him away as she turns to meet Lewis, who frowns at her knowingly.

"It is Monday today," Harry whines. "You forgot, didn't you?"

Lewis immediately tries to get up to defend his girl. Harry notices and stomps on his chest with his right foot in order for Lewis to lay down on the floor with no other unnecessary movements. Harry's black polished shoes are now on top of Lewis, crumpling his top uniform.

"What the hell are you doing to him!?" Eleanor walks toward Lewis urgently when Matthew, the now EX boyfriend of Gemma Sminters, bumps into her, causing both of them to collapse.

Harry laughs, quickly removing his feet from Lewis' chest to mock Eleanor, who lets out a shriek. "MATTHEW!" Gemma enters the scene, tackling the poor boy who just landed on the floor together with Eleanor.

Aiden and AJ arrive right on time after Lewis helps Eleanor get up.

"You're screwed." Lewis threatens Harry, readying his fist.

Lewis throws his fist at Harry, who dodges and returns a much more harmful and powerful punch.

"Guys, stop." AJ steps into the scene to calm both boys, leaving his best friend, Aiden, behind. "You know Harcott High will not tolerate this kind of behavior."

"Not unless you'll tell!" Lewis puffs, still glaring at Harry.

"There are CCTV cameras."

"But no one's monitoring yet at this hour."

Tina arrives right after AJ fixes the war between Lewis and Harry. "What happened!?" Her jaw drops when seeing Lewis's bruise, not to mention Gemma tackling Matthew.

"Aren't they supposed to be lovers?" Aiden mumbles to himself, and this is why I don't do love.

Tina looks at him, "That's what I thought too."

AJ's eyes sparkle when he hears Tina's voice, lifting his chin up in her direction. He looks at Aiden, giving him a signal to not talk to Tina anymore. Aiden obeys, walking away from Tina.

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