scenario twenty-eight

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Scenario number twenty-eight

Special characters: Marco, Chloe, Matthew, Alvin, John, Darren, Gemma, May, Alexa, Eleanor


Week of the finals.

"Did we miss anything?" Marco asks Matthew and Alvin, stretching his arms.

Matthew shrugs his shoulders. "Ask those people who trust both of you."

"Well, that's offensive." Chloe rolls her eyes, "I'm guessing that we missed a lot, huh?"

"By the way, why isn't George here? Wasn't he supposed to come back last Friday?" Marco questions, curiously.

Alvin doesn't answer him. "I can't wait for Jenny's birthday party."

"She's hosting a birthday party without me?" Chloe grunts, "well that's just—"

"You won't be here anyways," Matthew cuts her off, "she'll celebrate it on Saturday."

"That's... nice to know." Marco says, an unreadable expression on his face.


John, Darren, Gemma and May are all seated in the same table with John facing Gemma and Darren sitting across May.

"Are you ready for the finals?" John asks his friends after taking a bite from his apple.

Darren nods. "I think I am."

"I think I'll do fine." Gemma comments with uncertainty.

May smiles. "We'll all do okay. We worked so hard for this."

"Isn't it sad that the happiest memories always have to end so soon?" John pouts.

Darren turns to him. "What do you mean?"

"I get it." May grins, "we all found each other in the very end of the school year — right before we part ways and go to college."

Gemma shrugs her shoulders. "College is going to be so boring."

"I think it's going to be fantastic." Darren exclaims with positivity.

"Hey, guys." Alexa greets them with a big smile, "the others decided that we go to the hospital later and pay a visit to George, you guys want to join us?"

"Of course," May nods politely, "are Chloe and Marco going to be there?"

Alexa shakes her head, "I don't think so... they don't know about him being in a coma..."

"How about Harry? It's been a long time since we last saw him." Darren asks.

"He already left for Spain yesterday. Didn't he send you guys an email?" Alexa raises an eyebrow.

John narrows his eyes. "My computer and phone broke..."

"Why?" Darren asks him.

"My mom and dad had a fight.." John answers him plainly, "I'm telling you, they're divorced but they still keep butting into each other's lives!"

Gemma smirks. "Maybe they still have feelings for each other."

"I doubt it." John dismisses the idea. "But why will we even check our gadgets when it's almost the finals?"

"You know Harry," Eleanor joins their conversation with an upsetting look on her face, "he's a jerk, and since he's such a jerk, he's really a jerk for doing such a jerky move. That's what makes him such a jerk!"

Darren, John, May, Gemma and Alexa stare at her with confusion. Eleanor flushes red, still puffing.

Angles of Love (Angles #1) [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now